Salaah: Our Prescription for Success
In our materialistic/capitalistic world where the value of every action is assessed in terms of material benefits, we are bound to be asked: “Of what benefit is salaah to me?”
In our materialistic/capitalistic world where the value of every action is assessed in terms of material benefits, we are bound to be asked: “Of what benefit is salaah to me?”
Our Nabi Muhammad SAWS encouraged parents to be kind and gentle towards their children. He described the suffering of parents in providing for their children as a “screen from the Fire” for the parents (Bukhari).
A question most frequently asked when Muslims meet, is: Why are we so divided today? And almost in the same breath we venture reasons and solutions straight from sociology textbooks or try to justify the division as unity in diversity to quote the hackneyed phrase!
Allah reminds us to go out and “invite”, not to intimidate or to humiliate, not to hurt or abuse those whom we wish to guide, but to encourage, to inspire, to comfort and to stimulate them to do good. Let those of us who are teachers or parents take note.
It is your right to get up in the classroom and be heard! It is your right to contribute to the organisation of the school through student councils and other such bodies. It is your right to help decide what you need to know.
Like food or sleep we have a basic need to know. True knowledge, or knowledge of Allah, gives us the strong motive, the dryfkrag to believe and to live correctly.
How often did you not listen to the beautiful voice of a Qaari reciting from the Holy Qur’an and express your satisfaction? When you appreciate the beauty of nature, and, indeed the beauty all around us, think on it for awhile: Why did Allah create everything so beautiful around us?
The way we treat others so shall we be treated. How often do we not see this statement lived in everyday life?