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Audio Khutbah

Ramadhan and the power of supplication

By Ahmed Gaber

“Ramadhan is all about purifying yourself, and transcending your weaknesses. As we approach this sacred month, now is a good time to prepare and take stock of ourselves..”

Building an Ark of service to others

By Talha Asghar

Islam isn’t a spectator sport. It’s a lifelong program for action. Islam teaches us how to purify the spiritual heart This will be the final stage of attaining Allah’s good pleasure. We can do this best by helping others in need. We must also work hard to end poverty and suffering everywhere.

Isra and Mi’raj: The Mystical Night Journey and Ascension through the heavens

By Arshad Gamiet
“Before the Mi’raj occurred, Muslims had no idea as to how and when they should pray. Now we not only know how and when, but also the ‘why’ part. Why do we pray? Why 5 times a day? Why not just once? … When we Muslims pray, we enjoy a very special relationship with Allah. While other faiths have intermediaries, Muslims have no priest, no Rabbi, no Archbishop or even a Pope to stand between us and Allah. We worship Allah directly and Allah answers us directly. Allah says “I listen to the prayer of everyone who calls me. Let them also then, listen to My call, so that they may walk on the straight way.”

How to avoid hypocrisy

By Ahmed Baghdadi

This khutbah traces the history of hypocrisy amongst the followers of the Prophets, and shows us clearly how to avoid incurring Allah’s anger. A few small steps daily will help us cultivate healthy habits to refine our character and bring us closer to Allah…

The Chosen People

By Ustadh Abdul Basith Awan

Some Muslims suffer from an inferiority complex, so they uncritically adopt the western liberal culture. Actually, Islam is far superior, but they don’t realise it. We must fully appreciate our Islamic values so that we can become personal examples those who are spiritually lost

Ramadan: a time for Love and Gratitude to Allah

By Dr Hossam Roushdi
“Ramadan isn’t about long days, hunger and thirst or lack of sleep….. it’s about showing our love and gratitude to Allah. It’s about appreciating the countless blessings we enjoy every day. It’s about showing Allah how much we love, worship and adore Him…”

Preparing for Ramadan

By Dr Hossam Roushdi.

“Plan your Ramadan to make the best of this sacred month. Any good deed done during Ramadan is worth 70 times more than at other times….”
A transcript of this audio khutbah is now also available as a text khutbah.