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Knowing Allah

Eidul Adha khutbah

By Arshad Gamiet
“With so many Muslims enduring unspeakable hardship in so many places today, especially in Gaza and the West Bank, the blessings, the barakah, and the spiritual lessons of Hajj are desperately needed by all.”

The transformative power of the Hajj

By Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad

” The power of the Hajj is truly a divine mystery: It has the power to purify and transform the most awkward and sinful characters into the most luminous and radiant people. How this happens, Allah alone knows, but it happens, and that’s what’s important…”

Keep Ramaḍhān on the throne!

By Talha Haroun

Nabi Yusuf (Joseph) was thrown down a well, but his faith and perseverance brought him up to the throne of the land. Now that we have celebrated Eid, let us not throw Ramaḍhān down the well of our past misdeeds. Let us keep Ramaḍhān on the throne, uppermost in our daily lives for the intervening months leading to our next Ramaḍhān, insha-Allah,

Eidul Fitr Khutbah 2024 by Essam Mahgoub

By Essam Mahgoub

We should take great care not to harm other by careless talk, gossip, slander and backbiting, for example. Things that we think are minor infractions, but are really major sins in the sight of Allah. Allah will forgive our missed prayers and missed days of fasting, but if we damage the honour and reputation of someone, we should ask them for forgiveness. Allah does not forgive that.

These are not ordinary words

By Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad

One of the amazing miracles of the Qur’an is that it speaks to us directly, both collectively and individually. How often have we not opened a page at random, and read a verse that seems to be specially addressed to us, to guide us through a problem that we are having at that moment?

Text khutbah for Eidul Fitr 2024

By Arshad Gamiet
“In the midst of our Eid celebrations, let us also not forget how differently Eid is being celebrated right now in Gaza, in Iraq, in Syria, Yemen, In Kashmir, India and among the Rohinya Muslims in  Myanmar (Burma), the Uighurs in China and other places of conflict around the world. Allah has given us the blessing of safety and security over here. We sometimes forget how lucky we are….(To read further, please click on the picture above)”

Making the most of the last 10 days of Ramadan

By Ustadh Abdul Basith Awan

How can we benefit most from The Night of Power, Lailatul Qadr? The Quran tells us that worship and good deeds during this night is worth more than 1,000 months, that’s 83 years, a whole lifetime! We know that this Night is one of the last 10 nights of Ramadan. If we are to spread our best deeds, our charity, our prayers and Dhikr (loving Remembrance of Allah’s 99 Beautiful Names) over these last 10 nights, we are sure hit the target and maximise the benefit of our worship…

Last 10 days of Ramadan

By Arshad Gamiet
“The time was during the last ten nights of Ramadan in the year 610 and the place was in a cave on Jabal Nur, the Mountain of Light, near Makka. Here Jibreel took Muhammad sws, the son of Abdullah, in a tight embrace, and commanded him to “Read!”