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Omar Medani

Self-preparation: Gaza reflection

By Omar Medani

What can we do in the face of such a calamity that is unfolding in Gaza? This khutbah offers some useful suggestions. We should learn from our history. Do the best you can, within the law, to fight the “information jihad” and to speak the truth in the face of so much distortion and misinformation.

Our wider society needs us and our Islam

By Omar Medani

We Muslim should not be anxious or apologetic about our faith, nor should we be arrogant, harsh and judgemental. Islam has the best answer to the problems out there. We have a duty to engage with our neighbours in a courteous and helpful manner. We must show them by our personal example, how Islam can be their salvation, in this life and in the hereafter…

How to know Allah intellectually

By Omar Medani
Those of us who live amongst people of diverse belief systems must find a way of explaining Islam that makes sense to others. We cannot rely on faith alone, as important as it is. We must also engage intellectually, and the Quran provides many rhetorical questions and answers to help us present a convincing argument.

The beautiful story of Salman the Persian (Salman Al Farsi)

by Omar Medani
Allah will test us, often severely, in our faith. Those who persevere with patience and determination will be winners in the end. Salman Al Farsi had many hardships on his way to Islam. His eventful life is an amazing story of faith and determination.

What After Ramadan?

By Omar Medani
During Ramadan, the devils were chained and we could worship Allah without any sinful distractions. Now that Ramadan is over, Shaitan will work hard to make up for lost time. We must be on our guard, and not allow his evil temptations to undermine the good things we have done whilst fasting…

Why do we believe in what we believe?

By Dr Omar Medani
“It’s not enough to be only emotionally attached to Islam. We must also be intellectually convinced that we are following the right religion. Emotion combined with reason becomes a passionate, powerful combination. This is how we can convince our children, future generations and our neighbours in the wider society…”

Is our religion only for the mosque?

By Omar Medani
“Is our religion specifically for the mosque, or is it an all-inclusive Deen, that covers every aspect of life? This khutbah explains why every word and every action must be driven by the pure intention to please Allah alone…”