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Nouman Ali Khan

The most powerful lesson in Sura Yasin

By Nouman Ali Khan

Sura Yasin is described as “The Heart of the Qur’an” and in this video we find out why. Sura Yasin has so many vital lessons for every human being, and here these lessons are eloquently explained….

You’ll never miss any Salaah after this…

By Nouman Ali Khan

How to use wisdom and persuasive speech to encourage your child to pray regularly and on time. Nouman Ali Khan offers some precious advice to all parents. We should never force our children to pray, just to make ourselves feel better. His advice is precious.

The importance and value of Hajj

By Nouman Ali Khan 

Deeper and richer layers of meaning lay behind the Fifth Pillar of our faith. In this engaging and illuminating talk, we revisit the life and struggles on Nabi Ibrahim, Alahis Salaam. This video is essential viewing for those who have yet to go on Hajj, as well as for those who have already done so.

How to have a better Ramadan

By Nouman Ali Khan
“Ramadan is a special opportunity for our spiritual self-renewal. This short talk offers valuable advice for anyone who wants to make the most or Ramadan.”

How to stop worrying about the future..

By Nouman Ali Khan
“The big stories on our daily news bulletins range from endless wars and corrupt politicians to climate related catastrophes. When we consider the many crises all around us, it’s not surprising that many of us become anxious about the future. Here Nouman Ali Khan reminds us that the Holy Quran and the Prophetic Sunnah offers us reason for hope and reliance on Allah’s mercy…”

Ramadan and the legacy of Nabi Ebrahim a.s.

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan explains that the essence of a Muslim’s mission is to serve the needs of others, purely our of love and gratitude to Allah. He uses the example of Prophet Abraham/Ebrahim alayhis salaam, who was concerned about the well being of all people, whether or not they were Believers. Likewise, we should avoid ‘Us -and- them’ binary thinking. We should be genuinely concerned about the wellbeing of others, whether they believe or not, whether they like Muslims or not. ..

Parental Wisdom of Prophet Yacoob

By Nouman Ali Khan
“There are valuable lessons in Sura Yusuf. His father, Yacoob alayis salaam, taught us that sometimes children can be harmed by near family members. We must protect our children. We must nurture them and validate them with encouragement, not criticise and demean them constantly…”

How we lose our Iman (faith)

By Nouman Ali Khan
“Losing your faith comes gradually, not overnight. Beware of keeping bad company. Choose your firends wisely. Seek out friends who love Allah and do good…”