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History of Islam

Embracing a Winning Mentality in the New Year and Preparing for Ramadan

By Adil Shabbir

“Our faith in Allah and our actions in this life must be like the two wings of a bird. A bird can’t fly with just one wing. It needs both wings to complement each other. We need faith and action, iman wa amal, to become successful in this life and in the life to come..”

→ 19 December 2024

By Ibrahim Hussain

We should never underestimate the power of our supplications, our du’ah. Allah will never ignore the desperate pleas of His servants. Turning to Allah in humility and reverence is an admission of our utter helplessness and our dependence on Allah…

The importance of the Qur’an

Ustadh Abdul Basith Awan

During the time of Caliph Umar, the spiritual health of the Muslims was at a high point, so Allah delivered Jerusalem into their hands. Today we number almost 2 billion, but our faith and influence is weak. Allah will only honour us with Jerusalem again, when we love Allah and His Prophet sws more than we love our own parents, our wives and husbands, our children and our material possessions.

Palestine’s critical limit

By Ali Hammuda

In physics and chemistry, a critical limit is the point beyond which dramatic changes occur. The same rule is repeatedly taught n the Qur’an. When true believers reach the very limit of human endurance, Allah’s help arrives. You and I can encourage Allah’s help in Gaza and elsewhere, by ending our sinful behaviour that obstructs help from heaven.

The Prophet’s Intercession

By Talha Asghar

On the Day of Judgement, when parents, children and friends will be powerless to help one another, our beloved Prophet Muhammad sws will be there to intercede on our behalf. “My Ummah” my Ummah! he will say…

Diseases of the Spiritual Heart

By Sheikh Ibrahim Hussain

If we neglect the diseases of the physical heart, we risk ill health or even an early death. If we neglect the diseases of the Spiritual Heart, i.e. pride, arrogance, greed, backbiting, envy and slander, we will certainly pay dearly for our carelessness in the life to come, when all our good deeds my be used to compensate for those we have harmed in our earthly life…”

Self control: the key to success

By Shaykh Hassan Elwan
Islamic Institute of Orange County
“Serving Allah is a source of loving delight. Islam is simply the loving surrender of our lower Self to Allah. The road to misery is to follow your own desires, your own whims and caprices, without restraint. The road to lasting contentment is to delay gratification, and to follow with loving obedience whatever pleases Allah.”

You’ll never miss any Salaah after this…

By Nouman Ali Khan

How to use wisdom and persuasive speech to encourage your child to pray regularly and on time. Nouman Ali Khan offers some precious advice to all parents. We should never force our children to pray, just to make ourselves feel better. His advice is precious.