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Quran Tafsir/Exegesis

The most powerful lesson in Sura Yasin

By Nouman Ali Khan

Sura Yasin is described as “The Heart of the Qur’an” and in this video we find out why. Sura Yasin has so many vital lessons for every human being, and here these lessons are eloquently explained….

Summary of Sura Al-Kahf (The Cave)

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia
“Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala urges us to be curious about life and the world around us, to study every phenomenon, and, at the same time, to study the Most Noble and Holy Qur’an and reflect on its concepts and meanings. Without this reflection and the will to learn and discover, we will be bereft of guidance and understanding…”

Some Scenes from the Day of Judgement

Beware of taking Allah’s mercy for granted. You may fool yourself into thinking that you can get away with repeated sinful behaviour, and that Allah will overlook that. Don’t count on it! Never repeat your sins intentionally. Show real remorse. Stop sinning. Be determined not to slip backwards. Do good deeds instead, and sincerely turn towards Allah’s obedience.

Quran Reminders at Slough mosque

By Essam Mahgoub

Here is a playlist of the weekly Quran Reminders held at the Jamia Mosque and Islamic Centre, Stoke Poges Lane, Slough, Berkshire, UK. Please subscribe to this playlist so that you can receive regular updates by email.

Tafseer of Quran by Dr Husni Hammuda

By Dr Husni Hammuda
“Dr Husni Hammuda provides weekly tafsir (exegisis = expanation, interpretation) of verses from the Holy Quran. These sessions are designed to deepen our understanding of what we read of Allah’s Word….”

Tafseer of Sura Al-Asr

By Dr Husni Hammuda

Sura Al Asr is one of the shortest chapters in the Holy Quran, yet it encapsulates everything that a true Believer should strive to be. In just three short verses, it emphatically proclaims that all humanity is in a state of loss, except for those who have Faith, who continuously do good deeds, and who support one another in observing Truth and patient perseverance ..

Ramadan and the legacy of Nabi Ebrahim a.s.

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan explains that the essence of a Muslim’s mission is to serve the needs of others, purely our of love and gratitude to Allah. He uses the example of Prophet Abraham/Ebrahim alayhis salaam, who was concerned about the well being of all people, whether or not they were Believers. Likewise, we should avoid ‘Us -and- them’ binary thinking. We should be genuinely concerned about the wellbeing of others, whether they believe or not, whether they like Muslims or not. ..

Ayat: verse, sign and miracle in Al-Qur’an

By Dr Husni Hammuda
“There is a saying in Portuguese, that a man isn’t a man until he has done three thiings: He has become a father, he has planted a tree, and he has authored a book. This reminds me of a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad sws, which says that there are three things that live on after our death: A righteous child that prays for him, an ongoing charity that benefits others, and knowledge that he left behind to guide people to good deeds.”