Tafsir of Quran by Dr Husni Hammuda
Dr Husni Hammuda is the Muslim Chaplain at the University of Surrey, England. He has offered weekly tafsir lessons on selected verses of the Quran. These videos are now available on YouTube.
Dr Husni Hammuda is the Muslim Chaplain at the University of Surrey, England. He has offered weekly tafsir lessons on selected verses of the Quran. These videos are now available on YouTube.
By Dr Husni Hammuda
“Dr Husni Hammuda provides weekly tafsir (exegisis = expanation, interpretation) of verses from the Holy Quran. These sessions are designed to deepen our understanding of what we read of Allah’s Word….”
By Dr Husni Hammuda
“The true source of our joy, our happiness and celebration of celebrating Eidul Fitr is that we have answered Allah’s call. We have fasted for Allah’s sake alone. We know that Allah will reward us from Allah’s limitless bounty. We also realise that the joy of celebrating Eid here in our earthly life is just a small sample, a small foretaste of the eternal joy we will experience when we meet with Allah in the After-life…”
By Dr Husni Hammuda
“The Covid-19 virus outbreak has caught most ordinary people between the extremes of carelessness and panic, Dr Husni Hammuda offers practical advice and spiritual guidance in this thought provoking khutbah…”
By Dr Husni Hammuda
“Prophet Muhammad sws said that all human beings commit sins, but the best of those who commit sins are those who repent. He also taught us the best of prayers for Repentance. If we memorise this prayer and recite it often with sincerity, then surely Allah will forgive us. Allah is the Most Forgiving..”
By Dr Husni Hammuda
“Finding fault with others deceives us into considering ourselves superior. It’s a trick of Shaytaan to make excuses for our own bad behaviour. We should be generous and forbearing towards others, and strict with ourselves….”
By Dr Husni Hammuda
“A growing number of marriages are failing because of wrong expectations and cultural habits that do not follow the Prophetic Sunnah. Our Prophet Muhammad sws was an exemplary husband. He was the busiest man in the world: He led a nation as their political and spiritual leader, yet he helped with the humdrum chores at home. He helped with the housework; he mended his own clothes and sandals. More marriages will succeed if lazy husbands changed their attitude and treated their wives with loving care and respect…”
By Dr Husni Hammuda
Sura Al Asr is one of the shortest chapters in the Holy Quran, yet it encapsulates everything that a true Believer should strive to be. In just three short verses, it emphatically proclaims that all humanity is in a state of loss, except for those who have Faith, who continuously do good deeds, and who support one another in observing Truth and patient perseverance ..