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Rabbi Allen S Maller, Page 3

Fewer missionaries now seeking to convert Jews and Muslims

By Rabbi Allen S Maller
“The decline in Baptist missionaries is due to financial limitations and not to a growing belief in religious pluralism. Southern Baptists have seen a decline in membership, dropping from 16.3 million in 2003 to just under 15.5 million in 2016. With the money saved by the reduction of full time foreign missionaries, the Baptists will likely expand their efforts to convert Jews and Muslims in the U.S…”

Political and religious sources of Islamophobia

By Rabbi Allen S Maller

“… an American poll found that 82 percent of Americans place a higher priority on preserving the religious freedom of Christians than for other religious groups…”

Islamophobia: When even the good news is bad…

By Rabbi Allen S Maller
“…Christians have long forgotten the 17th century, 30 year war of Catholics and Protestants in German lands; where almost one third of the population was massacred.

And they do not realize that it was a call from the Pope to conquer the Holy Land that started more than a century of holy wars by Christian Crusaders…”

99 Names for God or only one Name?

By Rabbi Allen S Maller
“As a neutral outsider, and an American Reform Rabbi, I can understand why many Muslims would object to Christians using the word Allah in the context of saying that Jesus is the son of Allah. Another word for Divinity is needed…”

Jihad and Hanukkah

“Unfortunately, the struggle (Jihad) for religious freedom exemplified by Hanukah still goes on. Thank God, those of us who live in democratic states can fight for religious freedom non-violently within the laws of our own countries. This was not the situation in the past…”