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Talha Asghar

The Prophet’s Intercession

By Talha Asghar

On the Day of Judgement, when parents, children and friends will be powerless to help one another, our beloved Prophet Muhammad sws will be there to intercede on our behalf. “My Ummah” my Ummah! he will say…

Be a good Ambassador of Islam

By Talha Asghar

 In challenging times like these, Muslims must respond to bad behaviour with dignity and wisdom. As ambassadors of Allah, we should aim to win hearts, not arguments. The spontaneous gathering of thousands of ordinary people protecting mosques and asylum centres proves that there is a core of decency, a fitrah, in everyone that we can reach out to.

Building an Ark of service to others

By Talha Asghar

Islam isn’t a spectator sport. It’s a lifelong program for action. Islam teaches us how to purify the spiritual heart This will be the final stage of attaining Allah’s good pleasure. We can do this best by helping others in need. We must also work hard to end poverty and suffering everywhere.

Small deeds have a transformative impact

By Talha Asghar

Allāh does not only look to our actions, but also more importantly, to our intentions. We should never overlook or belittle even the smallest good deed. What appears insignificant to us could be hugely important to Allah. Our selfless actions driven by pure intentions can have profound transformative results ………

How to improve your relationship with the Quran

By Talha Asghar

Ramadan, unlike any other time of the year, offers us the best opportunity to improve our relationship with the Holy Quran. During Ramadan, all our routines are changed to allow more time for improving our spiritual health…