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Moin Qazi, Page 2

Prophet Muhammad’s Farewell Sermon

By Moin Qazi
“As you read these lines, 1.6 billion Muslims across the world, from Morocco to Jakarta, will be paying homage to the Prophet Muhammad on his birthday.

This day, 1,428 years ago, Prophet Muhammad delivered the historic Last Sermon (khutabat al-wida) on the parched terrain of Mount of Mercy (Jabal ar-Rahmah) in the Uranah valley of Mount Arafat, 20 kilometres east of Mecca. It was precisely  on the ninth day of Dhu al-Hijjah(12th and last month of the Islamic year -6 March 632)) in the tenth year of hijrah(migration from Mecca to Medina )   that  the Prophet addressed 1,44,000 pilgrims  The sermon , though seemingly addressed to a Muslim gathering, had a universal message…”

Islam enjoins modesty for both men and women

By Moin Qazi
“Outward modesty means behaving in a way that maintains one’s own self-respect and the respect of others, whether in dress, speech or behaviour. Inward modesty means shying away from any character or quality that is offensive to God. ..”

Islam is moderate. Some clerics have made it harsh.

By Moin Qazi
“The theme of moderation in religious practice has been the leitmotif in Islamic literature from the time of Prophet Muhammad. In the Quran and the Prophetic traditions that amplify it, Muslim women and men are called upon to exercise moderation in all aspects of their religious life.  The Prophet confirms the essence of Qur’an’s message: “Make things easy, do not make them difficult.”


By Moin Qazi
“There are few virtues which have as powerful an aura of divinity as forgiveness. Forgiveness is an opportunity to adorn our souls with Godliness. Forgiveness can take many forms, but at its most basic, it is the offer of goodness to the one who has hurt you…”