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What After Ramadan?

By Omar Medani
During Ramadan, the devils were chained and we could worship Allah without any sinful distractions. Now that Ramadan is over, Shaitan will work hard to make up for lost time. We must be on our guard, and not allow his evil temptations to undermine the good things we have done whilst fasting…

The oppression of Uighur Muslims in China

By Dr Hossam Roushdi
Who are the Uighurs? Why is the Chinese government crushing them so ruthlessly? Today’s khutbah describes the historical background leading to the current dire situation. It also connects the Uighur to another persecuted people mentioned in Sura Al Buruuj, who were martyred for their faith in Allah.

Is our religion only for the mosque?

By Omar Medani
“Is our religion specifically for the mosque, or is it an all-inclusive Deen, that covers every aspect of life? This khutbah explains why every word and every action must be driven by the pure intention to please Allah alone…”

Jumaa Khutbah at the Jurgens Centre

By Sheikh Omar Abdur Rahman, UK
“This khutbah explains the crucial importance we must give to our innermost state: Our hearts. Not the physical heart that pumps blood through the body, but the spiritual heart, the Qalb, which is the locus of our personality. it is the seat of our emotions and desires. It must be kept sound and pure at all times…”

Fulfilling the Purpose of Ramadan

By Ibrahim Al Tamimi
“Allah reminds us that the purpose of Ramadan is not merely to get hungry and thirsty. The purpose is to attain piety, Taqwa, and to get closer to Allah..”