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Interview with Kamran Pasha, screenwriter and novelist

“What I love most about Islam is that it is an egalitarian religion. Every man and woman is equal in the sight of Allah, regardless of their race or ancestry. Allah only cares for what a person does, not who they are descended from…”

A Ramadan story of two faiths bound in friendship

“We have different faith traditions,” Siddiqui says. “But at the same time, we know that we can get along, we know that we can work together. And we have respect for one another, because we are people of faith.”

British and Muslim?

“Islam’s presence in Britain is not an Islamic problem. Islam is universal, and can operate everywhere. It is not an Islamic problem, but it may be a British problem. Europe, alone among the continents, does not have a longstanding tradition of plurality. In medieval Asia or Africa, in China or the Songhai Empire, or Egypt, or almost everywhere, one could usually practice one’s own religion in peace, whatever it happened to be. Only in Europe was there a consistent policy of enforcing religious uniformity…”