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British and Muslim?

“Islam’s presence in Britain is not an Islamic problem. Islam is universal, and can operate everywhere. It is not an Islamic problem, but it may be a British problem. Europe, alone among the continents, does not have a longstanding tradition of plurality. In medieval Asia or Africa, in China or the Songhai Empire, or Egypt, or almost everywhere, one could usually practice one’s own religion in peace, whatever it happened to be. Only in Europe was there a consistent policy of enforcing religious uniformity…”

After Ramadan 2011

“…today also, the message of Islam is a threat to the Pharaohs and Emperors of the modern age…Worship no one but Allah, serve your fellow human beings and care for our common living environment with love and devotion until the end of your days.”

Being Good and Actively Promoting Good

“Just being a good person inside yourself is not enough. Verbal shahadah is not enough. You must actively forbid evil and promote what is good…”

Remember Me, I will remember you…

“…when we do good, we must always try to be conscious of the fact that we are doing it for God. Talk to God as you are doing the good deed, ask Him to accept it from you, and to enable you to do more good…”

Arson, Looting and Muslims

“We should always entertain the hope, the possibility that our worst enemies today could become our beloved brothers and sisters tomorrow…”