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Khutbah, Page 2

→ 19 December 2024

By Ibrahim Hussain

We should never underestimate the power of our supplications, our du’ah. Allah will never ignore the desperate pleas of His servants. Turning to Allah in humility and reverence is an admission of our utter helplessness and our dependence on Allah…

The importance of the Qur’an

Ustadh Abdul Basith Awan

During the time of Caliph Umar, the spiritual health of the Muslims was at a high point, so Allah delivered Jerusalem into their hands. Today we number almost 2 billion, but our faith and influence is weak. Allah will only honour us with Jerusalem again, when we love Allah and His Prophet sws more than we love our own parents, our wives and husbands, our children and our material possessions.

A Call to Action: strengthening faith and supporting Palestine

By Musab Asghar

Amidst all the devastation in Palestine, the world also sees a truly inspiring people; people of Faith, resilience, grace and unswerving gratitude to Allah. The Palestinians have won millions of admirers around the world, and, inspired by their example, people are coming to Islam in greater numbers…

Palestine’s critical limit

By Ali Hammuda

In physics and chemistry, a critical limit is the point beyond which dramatic changes occur. The same rule is repeatedly taught n the Qur’an. When true believers reach the very limit of human endurance, Allah’s help arrives. You and I can encourage Allah’s help in Gaza and elsewhere, by ending our sinful behaviour that obstructs help from heaven.

Understanding Allah’s Tribulations

By Essam Mahgoub

Our entire life is a test from Allah. In good times we are tested for gratitude, and in hard times we are tested for resilience, patience and perseverance. Those who ignore Allah’s warnings and rely on His mercy are thinking wishfully and risk facing very unpleasant consequences…Do the right thing, every time! Do the best you can!

The most powerful lesson in Sura Yasin

By Nouman Ali Khan

Sura Yasin is described as “The Heart of the Qur’an” and in this video we find out why. Sura Yasin has so many vital lessons for every human being, and here these lessons are eloquently explained….

Dhikr: The Constant, Loving Remembrance of Allah

By Ibrahim Hussain

Our most overlooked habit is also our most powerful, secret weapon: the constant, loving Remembrance of Allah: Dhikr. Something of Allah’s healing Light enters the heart of a mindful servant who is constantly Allah-aware, and whose lips are moist with Dhikr. There is a direct connection between our speech and our spiritual heart.

The Prophet’s Intercession

By Talha Asghar

On the Day of Judgement, when parents, children and friends will be powerless to help one another, our beloved Prophet Muhammad sws will be there to intercede on our behalf. “My Ummah” my Ummah! he will say…