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History of Islam, Page 2

Self control: the key to success

By Shaykh Hassan Elwan
Islamic Institute of Orange County
“Serving Allah is a source of loving delight. Islam is simply the loving surrender of our lower Self to Allah. The road to misery is to follow your own desires, your own whims and caprices, without restraint. The road to lasting contentment is to delay gratification, and to follow with loving obedience whatever pleases Allah.”

You’ll never miss any Salaah after this…

By Nouman Ali Khan

How to use wisdom and persuasive speech to encourage your child to pray regularly and on time. Nouman Ali Khan offers some precious advice to all parents. We should never force our children to pray, just to make ourselves feel better. His advice is precious.

Be a good Ambassador of Islam

By Talha Asghar

 In challenging times like these, Muslims must respond to bad behaviour with dignity and wisdom. As ambassadors of Allah, we should aim to win hearts, not arguments. The spontaneous gathering of thousands of ordinary people protecting mosques and asylum centres proves that there is a core of decency, a fitrah, in everyone that we can reach out to.

A Believer’s Covenant with Allah

By Essam Mahgoub

Paradise, Al Jannah, is not for everyone. It is for those with purified souls on whom Allah has shown mercy. Muslims aren’t Allah’s “chosen people.” We have to work hard to earn Allah’s good pleasure. That means that we will constantly be tested to see whether our our words and our actions are of the same substance….

Building an Ark of service to others

By Talha Asghar

Islam isn’t a spectator sport. It’s a lifelong program for action. Islam teaches us how to purify the spiritual heart This will be the final stage of attaining Allah’s good pleasure. We can do this best by helping others in need. We must also work hard to end poverty and suffering everywhere.

The Pillars of Kufr (disbelief)

By Essam Mahgoub

Good Muslims work hard on the five Pillars of Islam. We should also avoid the Pillars of Kufr (disbelief): Pride, Arrogance, Envy, Anger and unholy Desires. Faith can become weak if it isn’t strengthened by daily good habits. The path to evil begins in small careless steps, so we must be constantly checking our behaviour.

Pure Advice…

By Sheikh Hasan Elwan

How often do we give advice, but inappropriately? How do we respond to advice, defensively? This khutbah unlocks the secret of sincere advice giving and advice acceptance.

A practical guide to Eid Al Adha

Masjid DarusSalam in Lombard, Illinois

Here is an easy step-by-step guide to Eid Al Adha. it includes personal preparation, a short khutbah in Arabic with English translation and transliteration.