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Khalil Moya, Page 4

Beware of Ad-Dajjal

By Khalil Moya
“We have to educate ourselves and our children. We must not be deceived by the Dajjal – the false Messiah. We must memorise the first 10 verses of Sura Kahf, Sura 18, as a protection….”

Our Witness Protection Program

By Khalil Moya
“On the day of Judgement, our hands, eyes, ears and feet will bear witness to our deeds. Let us make sure that they will be helpful witnesses. Let us make sure that they will have more good deeds than bad deeds to report….”

Allah’s Amazing Mercy

By Khalil Moya
“We all commit sins, but we must never despair of Allah’s Mercy. Never think that you’re beyond forgiveness. Never despair. Despair is a great sin. Allah forgives as long as we repent sincerely and turn back towards Him…”

You’re a V.I.P!

By Khalil Moya
“Rasool Allah sws told his Companions that the most special Believers are those who will come after them … Believers who are firm in their faith, even though they have never seen Prophet Muhammad sws. personally….

When to be selfish!

By Khalil Moya
“Don’t step back when it comes to earning your place in Allah’s garden. Don’t allow others to pass you on the way to winning Allah’s good pleasure. Be selfish in earning your share of the afterlife…”

→ 17 July 2016

By Khalil Moya
“Allah says that those who have a cautious awareness of Allah (Taqwa), and who put their faith and trust in Allah, Allah will send them help from ways that they could never have imagined…”

Keep it going!

By Khalil Moya
“Prophet Muhammad sws once said that the best life is a long one that was full of good deeds…”

Leave a Legacy

By Khalil Moya
“The Quran asks: Who will loan to Allah a beautiful loan, that will be repaid many times over? Building a Masjid, a Mosque here on earth means that Allah will build you a paradise in Al-Jannah (heaven)…