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Essam Mahgoub, Page 6

Blame yourself, and build your faith

“To guarantee Allah’s forgiveness, we must do three things: 1: Seek knowledge, 2: Acknowledge, and 3: Take Action. Know what pleases and displeases Allah, acknowledge our sins, and take action to ensure we do not repeat any sinful actions…”

Eid Khutbah: “People who reflect”

“Don’t just take your Islam for granted, following blindly. Allah wants you to question, to inquire, to investigate, to interrogate until you find the truth…”

Finding Forgiveness in Ramadan

“Don’t just ask Allah for forgiveness generally or vaguely… ask him precisely what you want to be forgiven… be specific…. this is part of the healing process…”

Lessons from Moses and Pharaoh

“The story of Moses recurrs many times in the Quran, each time to illustrate a profound lesson, a universal truth for all time…”