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Video lecture, Page 4

The 10 Best Days of the Year

By Dr Yasir Qadhi

Dr Yasir Qadhi explains why the first 10 days of Dhul Hijja are more blessed than any other days of the year. These are the days when we should increase in all our good deeds. Remembering Allah (Dhikr), fasting and acts of charity to alleviate suffering are especially  recommended at this time…

Travelling Home..

By Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad
In his latest book, Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad discusses the awkward relationship between Europe and its Muslim citizens. He suggests a creative response. Instead of taking a defensive attitude, we should trust Allah and work hard to benefit our neighbours and wider society. By understanding that our ‘enemies’ are themselves victims of moral, emotional and spiritual illness, we must become “therapists rather than complainers.” Allah is the “Turner of hearts” (muqallibul quluub) and is quite able to turn our enemies into beloved friends..

Jumuah reflections playlist

Our regular Friday khutbahs have been suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Until this crisis is over, our regular khateebs will be sharing online video”Jumuah Reflections” instead. You will find the full playlist of these videos here:

Tafseer of Quran by Dr Husni Hammuda

By Dr Husni Hammuda
“Dr Husni Hammuda provides weekly tafsir (exegisis = expanation, interpretation) of verses from the Holy Quran. These sessions are designed to deepen our understanding of what we read of Allah’s Word….”

A perspective on the pandemic

By Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad
As the world goes into lockdown, this is a good time to reflect on our lives and our priorities. Shaykh Abdal Hakim offers some profound insights from the Quran and Sunnah, as well as from the rich history of Islam.
“During this time the atheist materialist world will be suffering from boredom, fear and financial anxiety. Its dilemma is clear: either leave people in their homes, or revive the economy. The fear of poverty and the fear of death are two agitated giants clashing in their hearts. To the extent that we have internalised our Islam, we will not suffer much from such clashes or from such fears. The future belongs to Allah, not to man. All is His, and we travel towards it as He decrees…”

Going to the mosque with your Coronavirus..

By Mufti Menk
Going to the mosque while you have a contagious disease is a great sin. You are spreading the disease, thinking you’re doing good by praying in the mosque. Mufti Menk explains…

The Art of Manliness

By Sheikh Hasan Elwan

“What is the true measure of a man? In today’s crisis of gender identities, what does it mean to be a “Real Man?” In this thought provoking lecture, Sheikh Hasan Elwan explains with clarity and eloquence what the Holy Quran and the Prophetic Sunnah offers the modern world. Please share this video with your family and friends..

How to stop worrying about the future..

By Nouman Ali Khan
“The big stories on our daily news bulletins range from endless wars and corrupt politicians to climate related catastrophes. When we consider the many crises all around us, it’s not surprising that many of us become anxious about the future. Here Nouman Ali Khan reminds us that the Holy Quran and the Prophetic Sunnah offers us reason for hope and reliance on Allah’s mercy…”