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Video lecture, Page 2

Homosexuality in Islam

By Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad
Gender fluidity and same-sex relationships have become normalised in many countries. Those who still value the traditional religious view are under pressure to conform. How should we Muslims answer the question of homosexuality? Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad offers some helpful advice in this short video clip.

Deeds equal to the rewards of Hajj

By Shaykh Omar Suleiman

Did you know that there are some deeds that are so beloved to Allah, that they carry the same reward as going on Hajj? Many people may not have the opportunity to perform the Hajj, because of situations beyond their control: Ill health, lack of money, or not being listed on the quota allocated to their country, for example. But they can still gain the same rewards…..

Be not like those who forgot Allah..

By Dr Uthman Lateef (Osman Latiff)

Those who forget Allah will also forget themselves: they will forget the higher purpose of their lives and wander around in distraction. We must be constantly mindful of Allah, showing gratitude and obedience..

The Value of Time

By Dr Osman Latiff
“And for all people a term has been set: and when (the end of) their term approaches, they can neither delay it by a single moment, nor can they hasten it ” Quran 7:34

By the Early Morning Brightness..

By Dr Osman Latiff
“A beautiful Ramadan reminder about the sense of hope and anticipation of better times ahead for the Believers who are enduring hardship with patience and perseverance.”

Prophetic optimism

By Shaykh Faraz Khan,
Zaytuna Institute, California, USA

We should always have a good opinion of Allah, especially when we endure personal hardship and when the future looks grim. Allah loves optimism and Prophet Muhammad sws was always optimistic.”

Paradigms of Leadership

The classical Islamic virtue of Futuwwa (Heroic chivalry) is beautifully illustrated here using fourth Caliph, Ali (RA) as the archetype. Ali was not only a fearless warrior; like his cousin and father-in-law Prophet Muhammad sws, he exemplified nobility, wisdom and humility. This is part of a series of lectures by the Dean of Cambridge Muslim College, Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad (Tim Winter)

The importance and value of Hajj

By Nouman Ali Khan 

Deeper and richer layers of meaning lay behind the Fifth Pillar of our faith. In this engaging and illuminating talk, we revisit the life and struggles on Nabi Ibrahim, Alahis Salaam. This video is essential viewing for those who have yet to go on Hajj, as well as for those who have already done so.