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Audio Khutbah, Page 2

This calamity brings us closer to Allah..

By Sheikh ‘Abdullah Al Judai’

“This momentous event that we are living through right now is
a mighty sign from among the signs of Allah; a sign that removed
all the masks, humbled the arrogant and conceited, cut off all ties to
any other than Him, placing a barrier, before the Day of
Resurrection, between people and their desires. Where is their
pompous display of power? Where is their pride in what knowledge
they have gained? Where are those who will rescue them from this
calamity, besides Allah?”

How to protect yourself from Coronavirus

By Dr Husni Hammuda

“The Covid-19 virus outbreak has caught most ordinary people between the extremes of carelessness and panic, Dr Husni Hammuda offers practical advice and spiritual guidance in this thought provoking khutbah…”

Love for the Prophet Muhammad sws

By Ibrahim Al Tamimy
“If you think of all the noblest human qualities: kindness, mercy, generosity, wisdom, forbearance for others’ weakness, loving support to women and children, absolute honesty, sincerity and loyalty. All these qualities were shown in their most perfect form in the life example of Prophet Muhammad sws…”

Welcome to all the students

By Arshad Gamiet
“…if you take all the scientific theories and lay them side by side with the Quranic view of Creation. You will not find a simpler, more logical and rational explanation…”

Hajj, The Inward Spiral

By Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad (Tim Winter)

“Labbaik! Here I am, (at your service) O Allah!” is the heartfelt chanting of the Hajj. It is a logical echo of that original Shahada, (bearing witness) of that moment before time and space, when Allah called forth the souls of every human being that ever was and ever will be, to testify concerning themselves.  “Alastu bi Rabbikum?” (Am I not your Lord?), asked Allah. We all replied in one thunderous voice: “Bala shahidna!” (Yes we bear witness! lest we say on the Day of Awakening, that we were not mindful of this!)”

Shura (Consultation) In Islam

By Essam Mahgoub
This khutbah explains the vital role of consultation in Islam. To hear the full khutbah, please click on the link below

The Virtues of Dhikr

Jumaa Khutbah Title: The Virtues of Dhikr (The virtues of the frequent mention of Allah and his messenger). By:  Ibrahim Al-Tamimy Location: The …

Remembering Death

By Zaheer Yaqoob
“Jannah doesn’t come easy. We have to struggle with heart and soul to know Allah and to seek Allah’s good pleasure. This is a lifelong struggle..”