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Quran Tafsir/Exegesis, Page 2

Empathy: the lesson of Sura Al Fiil (The Elephant)

By Sheikh Hasan Elwan.
A thought provoking khutbah about the true meaning of Sura Al Fiil (The Elephant). Through empathy we can understand the fear and pain of our enemy, and not to react in kind. We should understand and acknowledge their fear, and seek to win over their hearts and minds. By self-mastery, taming our inward state, we can become agents of mercy to others…

The single greatest verse in the Qur’an

By Shaykh Ahsan Hanif
“We ask Allah to make us love the Quran, and to follow its teachings. We ask Allah to let the Quran bear witness on the Day of Judgement, that we loved it and followed it to the best of our ability…”

Khuluq: Islamic manners and morals

By Essam Mahgoub
“Deep, penetrating knowledge is impossible without Taqwa, awe-inspired Allah awareness. For example, Al Khwarithmi was actually a scholar of Inheritance Law. He was so precise in his calculations that his work became known as “Algorithms” in mathematics. This amazing legacy is still in use today. It’s a vital part of computer programming. This is Allah’s gift to a talented servant whose search for knowledge was driven by Taqwa…”

How we lose our Iman (faith)

By Nouman Ali Khan
“Losing your faith comes gradually, not overnight. Beware of keeping bad company. Choose your firends wisely. Seek out friends who love Allah and do good…”

Be just, even if it hurts you!

By Dr Hossam Roushdi
“Having faith and trust in Allah should free ourselves from selfish whims. We should be just in all our dealings with others, trusting Allah to deliver the right outcome…”

Ayatul Birr: The Verse of Right Conduct

By Dr Hossam Roushdi
“In one amazing verse, the Holy Quran sets out what it means to be a truly upright human being. Ayatul Birr describes what true “taqwa” or complete Allah-awareness is…”