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Prophets of Allah, Page 2

Self-preparation: Gaza reflection

By Omar Medani

What can we do in the face of such a calamity that is unfolding in Gaza? This khutbah offers some useful suggestions. We should learn from our history. Do the best you can, within the law, to fight the “information jihad” and to speak the truth in the face of so much distortion and misinformation.

Our wider society needs us and our Islam

By Omar Medani

We Muslim should not be anxious or apologetic about our faith, nor should we be arrogant, harsh and judgemental. Islam has the best answer to the problems out there. We have a duty to engage with our neighbours in a courteous and helpful manner. We must show them by our personal example, how Islam can be their salvation, in this life and in the hereafter…

Looking to Prophet Muhammad sws as a role model

By Musab Asghar

Looking for a role model is part of our primordial nature. As children, we model our behaviour on our parents, As we grow into adulthood, we constantly seek heroes and role models to imitate. What better role model is there, than Allah’s last Messenger, sws? The Quran describes him as “the most excellent example,” ‘uswatul hasanah’

Lessons from Nabī Ibrāhīm alayhis salām

By Shaykh Hasan Elwan
So many of the du’ahs in the Qur’an we have learned from the great-grandfather of the Prophets, Nabi Ibrahim, Alayhis salaam. He taught us the essence of monotheism, Tawheed: complete and joyous surrender to the Will of Allah. As forgetful creatures, we must practice dhikr as a means of keeping Allah in mind at all times..

The Great Sacrifice

By Atif Jung

We can learn so many important lessons from the examples of Prophet Abraham, Nabī Ibrāhīm, his wife Hājar and son Ismāīl alayhis salām, These  examples are so powerful and so timeless that they form the essential rituals of the Hajj…

Hajira: Symbol of leadership and community-building

By Dr Aslam Abdullah
“God inspired Prophet Ibrahim to leave her in a barren land. She proved through her dedication, perseverance, struggle, commitment, and faith in God that women can lead community building. Given the opportunity, she can create a whole civilization and community by herself.”

By the Early Morning Brightness..

By Dr Osman Latiff
“A beautiful Ramadan reminder about the sense of hope and anticipation of better times ahead for the Believers who are enduring hardship with patience and perseverance.”

Summary of Sura Al-Kahf (The Cave)

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia
“Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala urges us to be curious about life and the world around us, to study every phenomenon, and, at the same time, to study the Most Noble and Holy Qur’an and reflect on its concepts and meanings. Without this reflection and the will to learn and discover, we will be bereft of guidance and understanding…”