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Noble Companions and Muslim Heroes, Page 2

Eidul Fitr Khutbah 2024

By Basharat Ali

We live in a strange world indeed. Eid greetings from Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak while they supply weapons for the slaughter of thousands of women and children? Non-Muslim activists being criminalised and arrested for protesting against the killing while so many Muslim leaders remain silent and turn the other way?

Be a good Ambassador of Islam

By Talha Asghar

 In challenging times like these, Muslims must respond to bad behaviour with dignity and wisdom. As ambassadors of Allah, we should aim to win hearts, not arguments. The spontaneous gathering of thousands of ordinary people protecting mosques and asylum centres proves that there is a core of decency, a fitrah, in everyone that we can reach out to.

A Believer’s Covenant with Allah

By Essam Mahgoub

Paradise, Al Jannah, is not for everyone. It is for those with purified souls on whom Allah has shown mercy. Muslims aren’t Allah’s “chosen people.” We have to work hard to earn Allah’s good pleasure. That means that we will constantly be tested to see whether our our words and our actions are of the same substance….

Riots, Racism and Islamophobia

By Basharat Ali

The rioters have targeted & blamed immigrants and Muslims for their poverty… Is it racist to discuss immigration? What are the real problems? Is it only the West and non-Muslims who are to blame for such things?

The Pillars of Kufr (disbelief)

By Essam Mahgoub

Good Muslims work hard on the five Pillars of Islam. We should also avoid the Pillars of Kufr (disbelief): Pride, Arrogance, Envy, Anger and unholy Desires. Faith can become weak if it isn’t strengthened by daily good habits. The path to evil begins in small careless steps, so we must be constantly checking our behaviour.

Pure Advice…

By Sheikh Hasan Elwan

How often do we give advice, but inappropriately? How do we respond to advice, defensively? This khutbah unlocks the secret of sincere advice giving and advice acceptance.

Eidul Fitr 2024 khutbah by Arshad Gamiet

By Arshad Gamiet

Islam is not a spectator sport. It’s not good enough for us to sit around, like couch potatoes in front of our giant TV screens, complaining and criticising without lifting a finger to improve the situation. Some of us think that we’re helpless, that the problems out there are too big and too complex. We sit there and we blame others and we complain. But there is so much that we can do to make a difference…