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Knowing Allah, Page 3

The New You

By Dr Omar Suleiman
If you’ve fasted during Ramaḍān with a firm intention that after Ramaḍān you will not slip back into your bad old habits, then Allāh will accept you in His Garden, Al Jannah, without any reckoning beforehand.  But if you return to your sinful behaviour, then Allāh will not accept your fasting, and you’ll be the loser…

The Night that changed History: Lailatul Qadr

By Arshad Gamiet
“You and I also have access to that magical force that transforms human hearts and illuminates human societies.  You and I also have access to Allah’s Sacred Word, the Noble Quran. This is the gift of Lailatul Qadr, the Night of Power. If you and I study the Quran and live the Prophetic Sunnah to the best of our ability, Allah will raise our status. Allah will make us the inspiring leaders that people respect and love…”

When He (Muhammad) ﷺ Spoke of Us

By Sulayman Van Ael

Did you know that Allah’s beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is looking forward to meeting you and me? Did you know that Heﷺ will be waiting to intercede for you and me on the Day of Judgement? Did you know how highly Allah values your holding fast to Islam in these extremely difficult times? 

The Uncreated Qur’ān

By Sadik Miah
“Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal suffered painful persecution for standing by the belief that the Holy Qur’an is the Uncreated Word of Allah. His principled stand came at great personal loss, and he was a living example of the words in Sura Al-‘Asr: “By (the passage of) Time (through the ages),  Truly, humanity is in a state of loss, except those who have Faith, and do good deeds, and (join one another) in teaching Truth, and Patience, and Steadfastness.”

Summary of Sura Al-Kahf (The Cave)

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia
“Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala urges us to be curious about life and the world around us, to study every phenomenon, and, at the same time, to study the Most Noble and Holy Qur’an and reflect on its concepts and meanings. Without this reflection and the will to learn and discover, we will be bereft of guidance and understanding…”

Prophetic optimism

By Shaykh Faraz Khan,
Zaytuna Institute, California, USA

We should always have a good opinion of Allah, especially when we endure personal hardship and when the future looks grim. Allah loves optimism and Prophet Muhammad sws was always optimistic.”

The Turner of Hearts

by Arshad Gamiet
“Never take your faith for granted! Your heart and my heart is a fragile thing. It can turn from good to bad and from bad to good in an instant! The only way that you and I can ensure that our hearts are always close to Allah is by our constant, loving remembrance of Allah: Dhikrullāh…”