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Beliefs and Practices of Islam, Page 5

Russell Brand, Women and promiscuity

By Basharat Ali
Our ‘consumer’ society has been degrading women, exploiting their bodies and their insecurities. Toxic masculinity and toxic feminism is damaging relationships. Muslims are also affected. Islam teaches us how to live more harmoniously, in mutual respect and dignity…

Libya and Morocco: Devastation and Destruction, all the Will of Allah

By Basharat Ali

No one can stop earthquakes and floods, but good governments can minimise the damage and keep their citizens safe. Japan has earthquake proof skyscrapers. In Morocco and Libya, crucial investment in better housing and dam maintenance has been so neglected that the death and destruction is far worse than it should have been…

The wisdom behind trials and tribulations

By Atif Jung

Every believing Muslim knows that our earthly life is full of trials and tribulations. These are Allah’s challenges to sort out those who are best in their deeds, from those who are the worst. The earthquake in Morocco and the floods in Libya will surely reveal the best and the worst in human nature….

One of our greatest teachers

By Basharat Ali

Who was Sa’id ibn Jubair? He was one of our greatest teachers: a man of faith, integrity and courage. He refused to bow to the whims of a tyrant Caliph, Al-Hajjaj. The Caliph ordered his execution. Within a month, the Caliph himself lost his mind and died.

Pious, Purposeful Progeny

by Zakariya Gangat
Khutbah at Cambridge Central Mosque, UK
All believing Muslims pray that Allah should give them children who are ‘the coolness of the eyes’ and they seek Allah’s grace to lead those who are correctly guided. ‘Pious, purposeful progeny’ sums up the topic of this very important khutbah. It’s all the more appropriate now that the summer holidays have ended, and the new academic year begins…

Our wider society needs us and our Islam

By Omar Medani

We Muslim should not be anxious or apologetic about our faith, nor should we be arrogant, harsh and judgemental. Islam has the best answer to the problems out there. We have a duty to engage with our neighbours in a courteous and helpful manner. We must show them by our personal example, how Islam can be their salvation, in this life and in the hereafter…

Lucy Letby (killer nurse)the disease or a symptom of deeper global illness…?

By Basharat Ali
The  birth of a baby can be an occasion for incredible joy. The death of a newborn infant is an event of indescribable pain. The abuse of power is a universal problem, whether by nurses or policemen or politicians or the bosses of mega-corporations. Only those people who have a sense of accountability to a Higher Authority, people who have a sense of moral responsibility, will behave appropriately at all times, in private and in public. True Believers know that every action will invite consequences, in this life and in the after-life.