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Articles, Page 6

Capital Hill Terror: thinking, talking and action points

By Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid
Whether criminals are Muslim or White, they are hurting humanity and we have a responsibility to condemn and speak out against it.  Avoid generalizations. Not all Trump supporters are violent; not all Whites voted for him; not all of his voters approve of terrorizing Congress. A number of Black Americans and as many as 30 percent of Muslim Americans voted for President Trump.

The Islamic Jesus: A Gap Or Bridge Between Christians And Muslims?

By Mustafa Akyol
“Throughout the whole Qur’an, there is only one woman mentioned by her name. She is exceptionally praised, as someone that God “has chosen over all other women.” There is a long chapter named after her, and even another chapter named after her family. Guess who she is?”

Why Boycotting France is the Wrong Response

By Waleed S Ahmed
“As pitiful as Macron’s actions are, is the Muslim response calling for boycotts of France justified? Is it fair to hold all of France guilty for the comments made by its President? Are we not only advancing the ‘Us vs Them’ narrative that extremists on both sides want? No one holds all of America responsible for the ridiculous comments that Trump makes – why a different standard for France? ..”

Islam, Freedom, Modernity: Mastery of the Self v. Slavery to the Self

By Abu Aaliyah
“By recognising that the divinely-given code of life exists to protect us, bring out the best in us, and help our Adamic potential flower to its fullest, we can attain balance and contentment in this life, and endless joy in the next. In fact, if anything, the sheer number of laws, regulations and prohibitions which the modern state constrains its citizens with – all in the name of progress and the public interest – is far far larger than the corpus of laws or duties the believer is required to uphold…”

Black Muslim Renaissance

By Usaid Siddiqui
“The first Black Muslim Festival will take place from October, a month-long event featuring prominent Black Muslim voices from across the globe discussing a range of topics. More than 40 speakers, including academics, authors, creatives and activists, are set to participate. Abdullah Hakeem Quick, a US-Canadian imam and historian based in Toronto; Alhan Islam, a Nigerian performance poet, and UK-based Habeeb Akande an historian of Nigerian descent are among the speakers…”

US Muslims must register to vote!

“A Muslim community in the United States heard about a plan to build a bar in a Masjid neighborhood. About 40 people decided to approach the alderman of that town for a hearing on the issue. After listening to both sides, the alderman asked: “How many of you are citizens?” All of the Muslims except one raised their hands. All 10 of the proponents of the bar raised their hands…”

Cracks in the Mirror: Idolatry in Celebrity Culture

By Dr Osman Latiff

In Islam worship entails knowing God, loving Him, obeying Him and directing all aspects of worship to Him alone. From this a universal logic can be derived – that the object of worship is the thing you want to know the most, the thing you love the most and obey, and the thing that you direct acts of worship (like gratitude) towards the most. The great Muslim theologian Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya explained it succinctly thus: “Whoever knows his Lord, loves Him.”9

Why The West Craves Materialism & The East Sticks To Religion….

By President Imran Khan
“This thought provoking article offers personal reflections by the President Imran Khan of Pakistan. He tells how his own understanding of Islam evolved and matured over the years. He calls for a return to the ‘middle way’ of the Quran, as a way of reconciling different groups in Pakistan. This is the only way forward not only for Pakistanis, but for Muslims everywhere…”