Preparing for Ramadan – Sejad Mekić
By Sejad Mekić
Fasting for Allah is a secret between Allah and His obedient servant. No one else needs to know that you are fasting. Allah says that “Fasting is for Me, and I will give rewards for it”
By Sejad Mekić
Fasting for Allah is a secret between Allah and His obedient servant. No one else needs to know that you are fasting. Allah says that “Fasting is for Me, and I will give rewards for it”
By Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad
How can we awaken our hearts to truly feel Allah’s presence in every moment? In this profound talk, Abdal Hakim Murad explores the spiritual journey of the heart, the importance of dhikr (remembrance), and how to move beyond distractions to reconnect with our true purpose.
By Ahmed Gaber
Fasting during Ramadan offers a wealth of benefits, both practical and spiritual. This khutbah enumerates the most important ones.
by Ustadh Abdul Basith Awan
Allah’s religion forbids us from acting unjustly even to our enemies. Justice is a command from Allah, to be upheld against rich or poor, friend or foe, near and dear ones as well as to strangers further away
By Nour El-Assy
“We’ve seen the world make promises before, only to have them broken by the same forces that continue to tear us apart.”
By Shakh Abdal Hakim Murad
During his “year of sadness” Allah’s Chosen Oneﷺ was raised through the heavenly spheres to reach the utmost nearness to his Creator, and when he returned to earth, he brought us the gift of Salaah, the formal prayer, the means by which believers can experience their own Miʿrāj
By Ahmed Gaber
“Ramadhan is all about purifying yourself, and transcending your weaknesses. As we approach this sacred month, now is a good time to prepare and take stock of ourselves..”
By Adil Shabbir
“Our faith in Allah and our actions in this life must be like the two wings of a bird. A bird can’t fly with just one wing. It needs both wings to complement each other. We need faith and action, iman wa amal, to become successful in this life and in the life to come..”