Ramadhan and the power of supplication
By Ahmed Gaber
“Ramadhan is all about purifying yourself, and transcending your weaknesses. As we approach this sacred month, now is a good time to prepare and take stock of ourselves..”
By Ahmed Gaber
“Ramadhan is all about purifying yourself, and transcending your weaknesses. As we approach this sacred month, now is a good time to prepare and take stock of ourselves..”
By Adil Shabbir
“Our faith in Allah and our actions in this life must be like the two wings of a bird. A bird can’t fly with just one wing. It needs both wings to complement each other. We need faith and action, iman wa amal, to become successful in this life and in the life to come..”
By Dr Omer Atilla Ergi
Do we really have a free will? If all things are pre-ordained by Allah, then why should we be held responsible for our actions? Can we change Allah’s Qadr: what is recorded in the Preserved Tablet? (Al Lawh al mahfuzh)? This video explains these perplexing questions in a very clear and lucid way..
by Arshad Gamiet
“If we look for happiness in the wrong places, we’ll always be disappointed. But if we spend our time taking good care of Allāh’s creation, driven purely out of our love and gratitude to Allāh, then Allāh will let sakīna enter our hearts. This will fill our hearts with gratitude and contentment, insulating us from the trials and tribulations of life..”
By Sheikh Ali Hammuda
How to cultivate khuahoo’ (humility, attentiveness and a soft, open heart) during our prayers. This series of talks is essential viewing for every Muslim who wants to get the most out of their Salaah…
By Ibrahim Hussain
We should never underestimate the power of our supplications, our du’ah. Allah will never ignore the desperate pleas of His servants. Turning to Allah in humility and reverence is an admission of our utter helplessness and our dependence on Allah…
By Dr. Hassan Al-Qatrawi
(First published by Arablit.org)
“I sit alone, next to my remote tent, in one of the places here that is made for half-humans. Every night, since the first day of my displacement, is the same, and I feel as though I live among graves. In displacement, tents are mass graves. So I just try to live a half-life, in this place where life itself is half-death. ..
By Nour Elassy
(first published on Al Jazeera.com)
“I am starving in Gaza and I don’t believe the world can’t do anything
Israel tried to starve Gaza before and the international community reacted. Why isn’t it doing anything now?”