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Dr. Husni Hammuda, Page 2

Srebrenica: Remember the past to protect the future

By Dr Husni Hammuda

The cold-blooded murder of 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys by Serb nationalists in 1995 has become known as the Srebrenica Genocide. Dr Husni reminds us of the lessons to be learned. The rising far-right nationalism and Islamophobia in Europe today suggests that many have not yet taken the lessons of history…”

Generosity in Ramadan

By Dr Husni Hammuda

“One of the 99 Names of Allah in the Holy Quran tells us that Allah is the Most Generous. Those who worship Allah should also strive to be generous in all matters: money, possessions, time and attitude towards others. Ramadan gives us an excellent opportunity to be generous. Generosity in Ramadan is rewarded many times over…”

Salaah is the main practical pillar of Islam

Dr Husni Hammuda explains the crucial importance of doing our prayers properly, at the right time and in the right frame of mind, and the right disposition of the heart. Salaah is the first thing that Allah will question us about on the Day of Judgement. Let us do it properly, the way Allah will be pleased with!

Pray as if this is your Last Prayer

By Dr Husni Hammuda
“Our attitude to prayer is crucial. Careless, clumsy, hasty prayers done with our minds focussed elsewhere, are of no use and are indeed offensive to Allah. When we pray, we must imagine we are addressing the King of the Universe, who deserves our undivided attention and our utmost respect. We have no guarantee that we will be alive for the next prayer, so let us do each one as if it may be our last…”

Don’t be A Muflis (Bankrupt) on judgment day

By Dr Husni Hammuda
“According to an authentic Hadith, the most bankrupt person on the Day of Judgment will be someone who, despite observing the 5 pillars of Islam, will have harmed others with slander, backbiting and unpaid debts. Even when all the good deeds are used to compensate, the bad deeds of the victims will be added. Let us not undermine the value of our own good deeds by harming others…”

Choose your friends wisely

By Dr Husni Hammuda
“Whether you like it or not, your choice of friends will influence your character and your reputation. Prophet Muhammad used the analogy of the blacksmith and the perfumery…”

Hajj and the duties of brotherhood/sisterhood

By Dr Husni Hammuda
Hajj is not only about our personal salvation. Hajj is also about being connected, geographically and chronologically, to every other Muslim: past, present and future.

Good manners: the core of a Muslim’s character

By Dr Husni Hammuda

“As memories of Ramadan recede, we must hang on to the lessons learned. All the fasting, prayers and charitable giving should have improved our Adab and Akhlaaq, the good manners we owe towards others. As Prophet Muhammad declared: “I have only been sent  to perfect good manners…”