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Text Khutbah, Page 2

Welcoming Ramadan

By Arshad Gamiet
“Many of us think that Ramadan is a time to ‘go slow’ and to avoid exerting ourselves. Some of us would want to sleep all day until iftar. This is completely wrong. Ramadan is not a time for hibernation. That’s for the polar bears and grizzly bears in the cold north American winter. It’s not for wide-awake, Allah-aware Muslims!” Read more…

Isra and Mi’raj: The Mystical Night Journey and Ascension through the heavens

By Arshad Gamiet
“Before the Mi’raj occurred, Muslims had no idea as to how and when they should pray. Now we not only know how and when, but also the ‘why’ part. Why do we pray? Why 5 times a day? Why not just once? … When we Muslims pray, we enjoy a very special relationship with Allah. While other faiths have intermediaries, Muslims have no priest, no Rabbi, no Archbishop or even a Pope to stand between us and Allah. We worship Allah directly and Allah answers us directly. Allah says “I listen to the prayer of everyone who calls me. Let them also then, listen to My call, so that they may walk on the straight way.”

Religious OCD: A Khutbah for Imams

by Nadia Hawa

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can affect Muslims as anyone else. If we detect it in good time, we can deal with it effectively. This khutbah helps to recognise the symptoms, and offers a way to solving the problem..

War crimes and ethnic cleansing in Gaza

by Arshad Gamiet
The unfolding crisis in Gaza has exposed the hypocrisy of those who support the rights of Israelis and Ukrainians but ignore the same rights of Palestinians.  Protests around the world are showing that many ordinary people are way ahead of their leaders in standing up for justice. These protests include people of all races and all religions, including many Jewish organisations that stand up for justice in Palestine…

Dispelling Anxiety

By Ibn Hazm Al Andalusi
“Anyone who uses his energy for the sake of the vanities of the world is like someone who exchanges gemstones for gravel. There is no nobility in anyone who lacks faith. The wise man knows that the only fitting reward for his soul is a place in Paradise.”

Eidul Fitr 2023

By Arshad Gamiet
“In the midst of our Eid celebrations, let us also not forget how differently Eid is being celebrated right now in Gaza,in Kashmir, India, in Iraq, in Syria, Yemen, among the Rohinya Muslims in Myanmar (Burma), the Uighurs in China and other places of conflict around the world. Allah has given us the blessing of safety and security over here. We sometimes forget how lucky we are….(To read further, please click on the picture above)”

The Night that changed History: Lailatul Qadr

By Arshad Gamiet
“You and I also have access to that magical force that transforms human hearts and illuminates human societies.  You and I also have access to Allah’s Sacred Word, the Noble Quran. This is the gift of Lailatul Qadr, the Night of Power. If you and I study the Quran and live the Prophetic Sunnah to the best of our ability, Allah will raise our status. Allah will make us the inspiring leaders that people respect and love…”

Summary of Sura Al-Kahf (The Cave)

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia
“Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala urges us to be curious about life and the world around us, to study every phenomenon, and, at the same time, to study the Most Noble and Holy Qur’an and reflect on its concepts and meanings. Without this reflection and the will to learn and discover, we will be bereft of guidance and understanding…”