Khutbah: Advice to New Students [revised]

[Our Lifelong Search for Knowledge]

Arshad Gamiet/Royal Holloway University of London /UK.  28th September 2007.

“As-salámu 'alaikum wa rahmatul láhi wa barakátuh!”  

“A-úthu billáhi minash shaytánir rajeem.  Bismilláhir rahmánir raheem.

Al hamdu lillahi nahmaduhu wanasta’eenahu, wanastagh-firuhu, wanatoobu ilayhi, wana’oothu Billaahi min shuroori an-fusinaa, wamin sayyi aati a’maalinaa. May- Yahdillahu fa huwal muhtad, wa may- yudlill falan tajidaa lahu waliyan murshida. Wa ash-hadu an Laa ilaaha ill-Alláh, wahdahoo laa shareeka lah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhoo warasooluh

  All Praise is due to Alláh, We praise Him and we seek help from Him. We ask forgiveness from Him. We repent to Him; and we seek refuge in Him from our own evils and our own bad deeds. Anyone who is guided by Alláh, he is indeed guided; and anyone who has been left astray, will find no one to guide him. I bear witness that there is no god but Alláh, the Only One without any partner; and I bear witness that Muhammad, sws, is His servant, and His messenger.

   Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem! Ya Ay-yuhal-latheena ‘aamanut taqul-laaha, haqqa tuqaatihee wala tamu tun-na, il-la wa antum Muslimoon.”

O You who believe, - Fear Allah, as He should be feared, and die not except as Muslims.

 Ya Ay-yuhal-latheena ‘aamanut taqul-laaha, wa qooloo qawlan sadeedaa. Yuslih-lakum a’maalakum wa yaghfir lakum thunoobakum, wamay yu-til-laaha warasoolah, faqad faaza fawzan atheemaa.”

O You who believe, - Be aware of Allah, and speak a straightforward word. He will forgive your sins and repair your deeds. And whoever takes Allah and His prophet as a guide, has already achieved a mighty victory…

My respected Brothers and Sisters,

Our Holy Prophet Muhammad sws, laid great emphasis on the quest for knowledge, and he urged Muslims to ‘seek knowledge, from the cradle to the grave, and to seek knowledge, even unto China’.

  There are some new faces here today. I would therefore like to welcome all the new students, and the non-students who have come to our Jum’ah for the first time. You will find in the coming days and weeks, as we enjoy the blessings of Ramadan, that we have a very special community at Royal Holloway University. Our community is a wide cross-section of the Muslim world, it’s an Ummah in miniature. All our families have a close and caring relationship towards each other, and towards our students.

 Someone described our community as the ‘Ansar’ or ‘helpers’ and the students as the ‘Muhajireen’ or ‘those who migrated.’ Just like those Ansar of Madina who helped the Muhajireen of Makka during that momentous journey the Hegira of Prophet Muhammad sws. This marked the beginning of the Islamic Calendar.

 In a way, every student is also making a kind of Hegira, a migration, by travelling far from their homes and loved ones, in search of knowledge. And at a much deeper level, those who go forth in search of knowledge are making the Hegira or migration from ignorance towards Knowledge, towards Understanding and Wisdom. This is a noble ambition that is very strongly encouraged in Islám. It was the quest for knowledge, activated by The Holy Qur'án and the Prophetic Sunnah, that transformed those desert nomads, our noble and illustrious ancestors, into the leaders of a great civilization when most of Europe was gripped in superstition and darkness.

 Dear Brothers and Sisters, as you commence this great adventure of learning at University, you must always be critically aware of any cultural bias in your study material. The Euro-centric view is often found in subjects like History. In its crudest form, it portrays the entire history of mankind is simply an enlarged history of Europe and its Greek and Roman origins. Other civilisations are only considered in the way they impinged on the history of West. For example, you may read that Christopher Columbus ‘discovered’ America. It’s as if the red Indians, or ‘first nations,’ were there, just waiting to be ‘discovered’ by the Europeans! But really, the truth is that Columbus was looking for India and he lost his way. The Native Americans discovered him, and after they told him where he was, they gave him some potatoes and tobacco and he returned home!

 Be aware of any subliminal messages and hidden agendas in your study material. Sometimes unproven theories are presented as hard truths. If you are studying the natural sciences, be mindful of the pervasive influence of Darwinism. There is today, a lively debate between Creationists and Darwinists. You know, scientific theories and assumptions are there to be questioned and challenged. Don’t take anything at face value. Do engage with your tutors and fellow students in a healthy intellectual discourse. This is what Universities are all about. Discussion and debate, searching for Truth.

The Islamic view is not anti-scientific. Islam encourages science and puts its work into perspective. For example, the accepted modern scientific view of Creation is that the whole universe, matter, energy, space and time began with a ‘big bang’ some 14 billion years ago. The theory is that everything began purely by a chance, and it flatly denies the possibility of a Creator having brought things to life as part of a deliberate plan.

 If indeed everything began with a ‘big bang’ then we Muslims know that this bang occurred precisely between the Arabic letters, Kaaf and Nuun: “Kun!” “Be!” “fayakuun!” and it “IS!”  Alláh the Glorified and Exalted, tells us in The Holy Qur'án, in the last 3 verses of Sura Yasin:

                    Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem! “Awalaysal lathee khalaqas sama wati wal arda biqaa dirin ‘alaa ay-yakh luka mith lahum. Balaa, wahuwal khal-laaqul aleem!

Inna maa amruhoo ithaa araada shay-an Ay-yaqoola lahum, Kun! Fayakuun! Fasoob’ haanal lathee biyadihee malakootu kulli shay-in wa ilayhi tur-ja’oon.”

Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth, able to create the like thereof? Yes, indeed! For He is the Creator Supreme, of infinite skill and knowledge! Truly, when He intends a thing, His Command is: “BE” and it IS! So Glory to Him in Whose hands is the dominion of all things, and to Him will you all be brought back.”

Here in these beautiful and eloquent verses from the heart of the Holy Qur'án, we discover the simple truth about the beginning and the end of everything. I promise you, if you take all the scientific theories and lay them side by side with the Quranic view of Creation. You will not find a simpler, more logical and rational explanation. The idea that the infinite, marvelous complexity of the universe, all began by chance, by a random collision of matter, is very difficult to accept. All the complex laws of phyics, of motion and gravity, of chemistry and genetics, they are so finely balanced. Living cells have such an intricate design, that they simply cannot have come into existence by chance. After many years of study, research and reflection, the famous British astronomer and mathematician, Fred Hoyle, came to this conclusion. He said that if you can believe that everything began by chance, without a Creator, then it’s like saying that a tornado can rip its way through a junk-yard, and it assembles a complete Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet, as it moves away. If you can believe that, then you can believe anything!


Dear Brothers and Sisters, I do hope you will enjoy your learning adventure. Remember, as Muslims and Believers, you will have a great advantage over others. You have a spiritual dimension, which informs your search for knowledge, and gives it a context and meaning. Whether you are studying Petroleum Geology or Mathematics, Computer encryption or Medieval History, Astronomy or Management, you are really exploring Alláh’s wonderful world, in order to make a positive contribution to humankind. Remember always, that with every step you take on this exciting journey, with every new idea that swims into your mental horizon, you should say, Sub-haanalah, Alhamdu lillah, Allahu Akbar!  Glory to Alláh, Praise Alláh, Alláh is the Greatest!  When your colleagues say, Wow! It’s only their way of saying, Allahu Akbar! Allah is Great! But they don’t know it yet. All beneficial knowledge comes from Alláh, because we live in a purposive universe. Alláh has created everything for a purpose. Remember that every time you learn something new and useful, Alláh has lifted a veil, and uncovered another sign or Ayaat for you, from his wonderful unwritten Qur'án, which is the world of Nature.

Verse 190 of Sura Al-‘Imraan makes this very clear:

“Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem! Inna fee khalqis samaa waati wal ardi, Wakhtila fil layli wan-hah-haari, la-aayaatil li-oolil albaab. Al-latheena yath-kuroonal-laaha qiyaamaw waqu-oodaw wa ‘alaa junoobi him wayata fak-karoona fee khalqis samaa waati wal ard, Rabbanaa maa khalaqta haa-thaa baatilan, Soob’haanaka, faqinaa athaaban naar.”

“Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs, for men of understanding. Men who celebrate the praises of Alláh, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the wonders of creation in the heavens and the earth, with the thought: Our Lord! Not for nothing have you created all this! Glory to You! Save us from the penalty of the fire!

. “Alhamdu lillahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen. Was-salaatu was-salaamu alaa Khairil mursaleen. Muhammadin-nabeey-yil Ummiy-yee, wa-‘alaa aalihee, wasah-bihee, aj-ma’een. 

Ammaa ba’ad:

Innalláha wa malaaikata yusallúna alan nabi. Yá ay yuhal latheena ámanu sallú alayhi wasalli mú tas leema. Allahumma salli alá Muhammad, wa ala áli Muhammad, kama salayta ala Ibrahim, wa ala ali Ibrahim. Allahumma barik ala Muhammad, wa alaa áli Muhammad, kama barakta ala Ibrahim, wa ala ali ibrahim. Fil ála meen, innaka hameedun majeed.”

Part Two:

 Sub' hanallahi wal hamdu lillah, wala hawla wala quwwata illah billah yu althi yual theem.

 "All glory is for Allah, and all praise is for Allah; There is no power and no strength except with Allah."

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

There are 2 kinds of university. Royal Holloway belongs to the first kind, where you formally enrol to study and your hard work is rewarded by a Degree or a Doctorate. This kind of university is something you can choose to enter or not.

 The other kind of university is the University of life. This is where we all acquire our informal, or non-formal education, which can be as important as any formal degree or doctorate. We all have to pass through this one, we have no choice in the matter, and the main section is the Faculty Hard Knocks, which you can also call the Department of Distress and Endurance. All of the most distinguished human beings, the Prophets, the Sages, the Friends of Alláh and great leaders of history have graduated from this department.

 How well we do depends on our preparation. Are we equipped, physically, emotionally and spiritually, for the University of Life?

 Studying Islam through the Holy Quran and Prophetic Sunnah, reading widely and even listening to this khutbah is part of our course material. The University of Life offers a long course, it’s literally life-long learning.

 These 2 kinds of university are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they compliment and reinforce each other.... Your formal university should be an extension of your university of life, and vice versa. When our beloved Prophet Muhammad sws urged his followers to seek knowledge he was not just talking of formal education, as we know it today.  In Islám, there is no artificial barrier between formal and informal learning, just as there is no artificial barrier between secular and sacred learning. All useful knowledge is from Allah. If you pursue knowledge that leads to a better understanding of God’s wonderful creation, and you use that knowledge for the benefit of humankind, you are given a very high status. Listen to what the Holy Prophet Muhammad sws had to say about those who seek knowledge:

[ Mu'ath bin Jabal narrated that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: ]

 “Acquire knowledge, for surely it leads to awareness of Alláh. Seeking it is an act of worship; studying it is praising Allah; seeking it is jihad; teaching it to whomever doesn't known it is an act of charity and giving it to its people draws one closer to them. Knowledge points to what is permissible and the forbidden; and it is a shining light pointing the way to Paradise. It comforts the lonely, it befriends the stranger, and it talks to you in seclusion. It is a guide through prosperity and adversity; it is a weapon against enemies; and it is the best of friends. With knowledge, Alláh raises people to high stations, making them leaders in goodness, whose steps are followed. Their example is emulated, their opinion valued. The angels like to sit with the people of knowledge, surrounding their wings; and everything dry or wet, -fish of the sea and animals on land, - will ask Allah to forgive them. [I really like this part, so I’ll repeat it] The angels like to sit with the people of knowledge, surrounding their wings; and everything dry or wet, -fish of the sea and animals on land, - will ask Allah to forgive them!

 Knowledge gives life to the heart in the midst of ignorance, and illuminates vision in the darkness. With knowledge, God's servants become the elite and reach the highest degrees in this life and in the life to come. Contemplation with knowledge is equivalent to fasting; spending time to study it is equivalent to standing at night in prayer; duties to relatives are fulfilled by it; and through it permissible and forbidden things are known. Knowledge precedes action and action always follows it. The fortunate ones attain it and the miserable ones are deprived of it.”

These beautiful words concerning Knowledge came from the unlettered Prophet Muhammad, may Allah’s peace and blessings be on him. What a beautiful and inspiring speech! My dear brothers and sisters, I sincerely hope that you will pursue your lifelong quest for knowledge, in the true Islamic spirit of seeking to please Alláh, glorifying His name, and serving all His creatures with love and compassion. Make it your main goal, to seek and find Alláh’s good pleasure, and consider your work, your career, and even your leisure time as simply the practical way in which you have chosen to do this. Whatever you do, make sure that the material things and creature comforts do not become your main concern. If by Alláh’s grace, you will earn a high salary, you enjoy a comfortable home and drive a nice car, make sure you keep them all at arm's length. Do not hold them close to your heart.  Let these material things, all those gadgets and gizmos, take them as the by-products of serving Alláh. It should never become your main agenda. Remember that Allah is the Landlord, and we are his tenants. All he wants for rent is for us to acknowledge Him and say to, Thank You. That’s all. And yet, for some of us, saying thank you to Allah seems to be the most difficult thing……

 Let us try to be like those wonderful human beings, our noble and illustrious predecessors, who pursued knowledge with energy and passion, who became the intellectual giants of their age, but they never lost sight of their Faith.

To mention a few examples, people like


Ibn Khaldun who laid out the foundations of modern Sociology and Historiography.


Ibn Sina, whose Qanun Fit-tibb or Canon of Medicine was a standard medical textbook in Europe for six hundred years.


Al Khawarizmi, whose work in mathematics gave us Algorithms that underpin the work of computers and space travel.


Ibn Hazm, who was a brilliant jurist, mathematician, logician, linguist and scholar, a true Renaissance Man, three centuries before the Renaissance, the rebirth of learning in Europe!

The list goes on and on. I cannot imagine any of these great and noble scholars saying, “well, that’s good enough. I'll just stop here now and do something else. This is hard work, it's more than by job’s worth!” These men worked tirelessly until they achieved excellent results. Quality and excellence was a passion. That's what it takes to produce work of lasting value. 

Brothers and Sisters, let's learn form our illustrious predecessors. Let's not be ashamed to do well. We should be passionate in doing the very best we can. We must try to exceed our own humble expectations....Reach for the sky and aim for the stars!

 Let us pray to Alláh, to spiritualise our quest for knowledge, so that every path we take brings us closer to him.

 “Rabbana atina fid dunya hasanatan wafil akhirati hasanatan waqeena athaaban naar.”

 “O My Lord, give us the best of this world, and the best of the next world, and save us from the torment of the fire!”

 "O Alláh! Let us become like our beloved and noble predecessors, whom Your angels surrounded with their wings, and let all creatures wet or dry, on land and sea, pray forgiveness for us, in our quest to find Your sacred knowledge.  O Allah, help us to use your knowledge only for the good of all your creatures!"

Ameen.                   Aqeemus salaah!

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