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Short Khutbah, Page 4

How important are your parents?

By Shaykh Hasan Elwan
“This passionate and eloquent khutbah explains the crucial importance our parents hold in our lives. Please view it and share it widely. Editors.”

Why do we believe in what we believe?

By Dr Omar Medani
“It’s not enough to be only emotionally attached to Islam. We must also be intellectually convinced that we are following the right religion. Emotion combined with reason becomes a passionate, powerful combination. This is how we can convince our children, future generations and our neighbours in the wider society…”

Jumaa Khutbah at the Jurgens Centre

By Sheikh Omar Abdur Rahman, UK
“This khutbah explains the crucial importance we must give to our innermost state: Our hearts. Not the physical heart that pumps blood through the body, but the spiritual heart, the Qalb, which is the locus of our personality. it is the seat of our emotions and desires. It must be kept sound and pure at all times…”

Haya’ (modesty) is the defining character of Islam

By Shaykh Hasan Elwan
“If we must correct someone, never shame them.
We should always gently remind each other that some behaviours are dishonourable, beneath the noble conduct befitting a follower of Islam…”

Am I really sincere?

Khutbah by Dr Umar Suleiman
“Unless we sincerely do good deeds purely for Allah’s sake, we risk losing out completely. We should never do good just to look good in the eyes of others. Such intentions are unworthy and unacceptable to Allah…”

Never belittle the smallest good deed…

By Arshad Gamiet
“Sadly, these blessed days of Muharram have also been so traumatic for our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan. Who can ever forget those desperate scenes at Kabul airport? Dozens of men were desperately hanging on to a plane that was taking off. Some fell to their death from hundreds of feet above the tarmac.
This is how 20 years of war has come to an end in Afghanistan, which has been described as “the graveyard of empires…”