Islam Today

By Imam Irshad Soofi/Pietermaritzburg, South Africa 13Nov1997

The major feature of the Islamic outlook is a combination of this worldliness and other worldliness. The emphasis on this world as well as the life hereafter. Even a child knows "Rabbana aatinaa fid dunyaa hassana, wa fil aakhirati hasana, wa qirnaa athaaban naar." "The philosophy of life based on reforming the world , establishing here The Kingdom of God, all that is good, establishing virtue and eradicating vice in whatever form it may exist. Consequently the ideal of Islam was not to renounce the environment but to conquer the environment. To pursue life in this world as ibadullah, or servant of the one true God.

The Islamic community started its journey through history in the most glorious manner. In the field of politics it was confronted by the very powerful Roman Empire in the North West and by the powerful Iranian Empire in the North East and it appeared as if every political force in the world was arrayed against the advancing tide of Islam. They wanted to hold it in check and consequently the clash came, but in that clash these big empires were blown to pieces, and that to in a very short period of time. It was not actually the conflict between political groups, it was actually the conflict between philosophies of life. The philosophy of life which Islam had given was a dynamic and vibrant philosophy which infused a spirit and a force into its followers, to an extent and in a manner where it was impossible for the adversaries of Islam to face the challenge. Islam was a challenge for the entire humanity 1400 years ago and remained a challenge for mankind in the seventh century of the Christian era. The Muslims became the pioneers in every walk of life , it was not only victories on the battlefield , but on every front. They became the teachers on every branch of knowledge for mankind. They became the embodiment of the highest moral standard, the personification of the highest spiritual values and they were respected, admired and feared by the entire world. Islam came with such beauty that the people began loving not only Islam but even those who carried the message. The tide of Islam when it crossed the North African regions , finally penetrated in its first trek into Europe, penetrated to Spain and there in Spain the Muslims built up a civilisation that will remain the pride and envy of all the races, peoples and ideologies gone by. They arrived there, built up their culture and civilisation, started their universities, observatories and hospitals. They enforced town planning when Europe was sunk in darkness, in medieval barbarism. The most eminent minds from all over Europe came and studied under the Muslims, whose glory they could not withstand and the foundations were laid for the Western Renaissance.

The Holy Qur'aan has commanded the Muslims to build our power to the utmost (s8. v60),

"Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into [the hearts of] the enemies of Alláh and your enemies, and others besides, whom you may not know, but Alláh does know…"

and keep it to the highest pitch to face all challenges. We have lost over power in the field of education, technology, commerce, economics and military might. The evolving of our personalities spiritually has been replaced by in fighting and hair-splitting. Our enemies could not have succeeded on the battlefield against us if we had not become what we have become at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Once we were politically floored the challenge became more magnified. Today we find ourselves at a loss as to how to balance ourselves. The tables have been turned on us and I will tell you those that are still asleep, those who are still not conscious of what has happened. The principle of pendulum was discovered by a Muslim scientist in Syria. The first one made by him is still in Syria. The Abassid Caliph sent its delegation to Europe and with it sent a clock as a gift to Emperor Charlemagne, the most renowned European king of those days. When the delegation presented the clock to Chalemagne he asked his chamberlain to hold it and when he heard the ticking he said to the Emperor these Muslims have sent a ghost inside this to destroy us. Very unfortunately and to our shame history has repeated itself. In the 19 C when the Bedouins used to rob the Hajis on the way, a Bedouin found a watch on one of his victims, heard the ticking and smashed it to pieces saying,haza Iblis. Today there is much more degeneration and we are degenerating continuously. In the meantime our community is continued to be divided further and further on every petty issue. I wish to speak out very frankly, we no more produce thinkers like al Ghazzali, Fakhruddin Razi, Imam Shafei or Imam abu Hanifa. We are producing charlatans, ordinary type of people including myself. We are not capable of understanding what is happening. We don't have basira or insight and we have lost hikmah or wisdom. We who are sincere to God and Islam are divided in every manner possible. Why is the world of Islam not producing men of that pattern and type as found in the days of glory. Probably the conditions don't exist. That healthy spiritual climate, that intellectual level of pursuit of knowledge, that healthy moral pattern of life, which Islam gave in its days of glory.

Do not despair, this is not our end. One spark can be converted into a blazing fire. The miracle of glory, greatness and goodness is near to happen over. Understand Islam in the light of the demands of this modern age. Positively preach Islam with love and affection and expound it scientifically, practically and spiritually. Do not be affected by consideration for any group, sect or movement. If their is good in any group acknowledge it. Allah is truth, Islam is truth and we should be true to fellow beings.Our weapon is virtue and Godliness, not arrogance and petty mindedness. These conditions are the pains of a rebirth. The community is the womb out of which new forces are to emerge. Blessed are those who can understand and feel this.


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