Khayra Ummatin

Ali Mollah MD

Inal hamdilillahi Nahmadahu WA nasta'eenahu WA nastaghfiruhuu,

Wa na'uzubillahi min shuroori anfusina WA min say'iaati a'maalina

Man yahdihi Allahu fa la muddilla lah

Wa man yudlil fa la hadiyah lah 

Wa nashadu an-laa illaha ilallah wahdahu laa shareeka lahu

Wa nashadu anna Muhammadan abduhu WA Rasuulahu

Amma ba'd, Fa-uuzubillahi minashaytaanirajiim

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem


All praise belongs to Allah, we praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our own souls and from our evil deeds. Whomever Allah guides, none can lead astray, and whomever Allah leaves astray, none can guide. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah alone, without partner or associate, and I bear witness that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is His slave and Messenger.


“O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except as Muslims.” Al Imran 3:102


“O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife [Hawwa (Eve)]” Al Nisa 4:1


arabic arabic

“O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him, and speak (always) the truth. He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (SAW) he has indeed achieved a great achievement” Al Ahzaab 33:70-71


Alhumdolillah, it is a mercy from Allah swt that He made us Muslims.  It is an honor and a blessing from the Lord, Most Merciful.


Allah swt mentions is Surah Al Imran 3:110 arabic


You are the best of the nations raised up for (the benefit of) men, you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah.

Khayra Ummatin - the best of nations. Allah swt granted this honor to Muslims – the honor of being the best of nations, the best of the community, and the best group of people. Allah (swt) in this Ayah of Quran has outlined the position of the Ummah that the Muslims are the best nation brought forward from mankind.

This Ummah is the best Ummah. The distinction of this Ummah is the perception of the creator of the all the worlds, Allah swt.  It is the perception of reality and the perception of the purpose of creation, which makes this Ummah the best Ummah. This Ummah is the best as Allah swt blessed it with the wisdom of the perfect Sharia.

It is the Ummah when practiced as the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam exemplified guarantees happiness, comfort, and peace of mind in this Duniya and the eternal joy in the Hereafter. History teaches us that in less than 50 years from the start of the final divine revelation – Al-Quran- this Ummah dominated the majority of world with justice, mercy and humility. In every city the Muslims entered, the slogan they lifted high and preached was: “worship Allah that you have no god but Him” “Ubud Ullaha Malakum Min Ilahin Ghairuh

My brothers and sisters in Islam, this Ummah is the owner of the best thoughts and achievement in the world and the hereafter. This Ummah promotes goodness, justice and truth.  It is in concordance with every human nature.  In this Ayah there is no ambiguity, nothing vagueness. But rather a clear simple statement that Muslims are the best of people, who do good and forbid evil and believe in Allah.  No exceptions here, there is no time frame here- just Muslims, you and I included.  Khayra Ummatin – this includes us as well by virtue of being Muslims, doing right and forbidding evil and believing in Allah. But can we identify our deeds and ourselves with this Ayah. Can we internalize this statement that we are the best of nations. Are we carrying this responsibility of being witnesses to mankind as the best of people?

Many of us have forgotten ourselves, our purpose in life and our entity. We have forgotten ourselves not only at an individual level but also collectively as an Ummah.  Allah swt created us for one purpose – His Ubudiya. He created us so that we worship Him and Him alone without partners. 


He mentions in Surah Zariyat -Ayah 51:56


And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone).

Are we totally worshipping Him alone or are we too caught up in this duniya, are we caught up in our desires and passions, our work, our consumerism. The Quran reminds that the human being worships whoever or whatever occupies his mind most of the time. Today many of us can be identified by the professional degrees we hold, the work we do, the race, culture and the nationality that we belong to and somewhere at the bottom of the list, is that we are Muslims.  My Brothers and Sisters in Islam we are Muslims first. And as Muslims we not only carry the highest standards of morals and values but we have a sense of responsibility – a responsibility towards all mankind as the best of nations and people. Allah swt already has granted us the potential and the power by instilling faith and giving us the mightiest words. 

La Illaha Ilallah Muhammedur Rasool Allah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam

There is no god but Allah and that Muhammed Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam is His messenger.

Brothers and Sisters in faith it is time that we recognize who we are. From the moment the Qur‘an was revealed to the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam, he started to call to the way of Allah (swt). People started to come to him, to listen, and become his companions. They believed in the ‘Aqeedah of Islam. Their belief / their Iman was strong and pure and it was this belief that changed them to become the best of mankind, with the best in thought, knowledge and continuous action. Armed with their belief they started to struggle with Jahiliyyah / ignorance. It was an intellectual, political and a spiritual struggle. Even though they were only few in numbers, but they were strong, solid, and determined, until Allah (swt) gave them victory.

They took Iman seriously and understood that Iman called them for action. It was narrated that whenever an Ayah came, the Sahaabah took it, understood it, and implemented it. Their way of life - Deen was based solely upon their belief and they were truthful in holding firm to it. Yes, they endured pain, suffered humiliation and readily sacrificed everything but did not compromise when it came to the practical implementation of Islam in their everyday lives.
That is how they understood and accepted Islam and how they implemented it in their lives.

The question is how are we implementing Islam in our lives? How much Aqeedah do we have? The standards to be honored as the Khayra Ummatin have been laid out and we need to determine and reflect on our actions in order to see how we meet those criteria. 

When Muslims were persecuted and oppressed in Mecca, the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam advised them to immigrate to Abyssinia where they were followed by the Quraysh of that time. At the court of King Negus Ja'far ibn abi Talib, then aged about 20 years old, spoke on behalf of the Muslims and about the Muslims. Just reflect upon this portion of what Ja'far said to the Negus and consider the maturity in his words and the profound understanding he displayed which far exceeded his young age. He said:

"0 King!  We have been a people of ignorance worshipping idols, eating the flesh of dead animals, committing abominations, neglecting our relatives and doing evil to our neighbors.  The strong, among us would oppress the weak.  We were in this state when Allah sent us a Messenger from among us whose descent and sincerity, trustworthiness and honesty were known to us.  He summoned us to worship the One True God and to reject the stones and idols our fathers and we had been worshipping in addition to Allah.  He ordered us to be truthful of speech, to fulfill all the duties that were entrusted to us, to care for our relatives, to be kind to our neighbors, to refrain from unlawful food and consumption of blood. He forbade us to engage in lewdness and lying, the devouring of the money of the orphan and the defamation of married women.  He commanded us to worship the One God and to assign no partners unto Him, to pray, to pay the purifying tax and to fast. We deem him truthful and we believed him, and we accepted the message he brought from Allah".

So impressed and moved was Negus with the Muslims and the descriptions of Muslims that he accepted Islam. As Muslims of today do we share the same qualities as them?  Are we truthful in speech, are we kind to our neighbors, are we among those who fulfill our duties, are we the Khayra Ummatin?

We need to realize who we are and as Muslims we have a duty towards Islam and a duty towards this Ummah.  It is a identical duty.  It is impossible to conceive of fulfilling ones duty to Islam without the Ummah, or serving the Ummah without Islam.

By Ummah, I do not mean limiting our minds to the term community or even our homelands.  Just to do so would be shameful.  Ummah means, and should always mean, Muslims everywhere in the land of Islam.

Hence our nationality is Islam and our loyalty should always remain with Islam
regardless of where we are physically located

Allah swt mentions in Surah Hujurat 49:10


The believers are naught else than brothers.

We are Muslims and we are brothers, period. No nationalism, no racism, no color no creed, no culture, just Brothers from the parentage of Adam and Eve.

It is related by Abu Moosa Ashari (R.A.) that The Messenger of Allah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam said, "The connection between Muslims is like that of a strong building - one part strengthens another." The Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam then showed this by interlocking the fingers of one hand with those of the other (that Muslims should remain united and combined - thereby strengthening one another).

The Holy Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam urged the Ummah to form a fortress by uniting, where each Muslim will be a "brick" on a “brick” in a building – adding solidarity and support. He demonstrated by interlocking the fingers of hands that the Muslims should remain together and blend into a single body, not divided into petty sects – I am Arab, he is Pakistani, he is Bangladeshi. Let not our diversity be our weakness but rather it should be our strength, our diversity united under the
banner of La Illaha Ilallah Muhammedur Rasool Allah (SAW) and that is the only bond we must share.

We need to terminate and break away from all patriotic, nationalistic, racial, geographical, or group association that divide us but come forth as brothers whom Allah swt united us as a Muslims.

As Muslims we are the Abd of Allah swt. And as an Abd we have an individual and a communal sense of responsibility. And we have no excuse for not being able to balance that, for we have a perfect example in the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam and His companions.  Look at the life of Umar Ibn Al Khattaab Radi Allahu Anhu.  He was known for the purity of his intention, his kindness and interest in other's welfare. It is narrated that Umar Radi Allahu Anhu used to walk out of his house secretly at night. One night Talha Radi Allahu Anhu saw that and he followed him. He saw Umar Radi Allahu Anhu going to one house, and after a while he came out and proceeded to another house before he returned to his own house. In the morning, Talha Radi Allahu Anhu went to the same house and knocked on the door to find a blind old woman who was handicapped and debilitated. He asked her "Who is the man that visited you last night?" She replied "He has been taking care of me for such a long time now. He brings me whatever I need, and then he removes the dirt."

This was the standard set by the Sahaabah when the light of Islam entered their hearts. Kindness, caring and compassion was their everyday life but today our standards are lower – there is nothing like unconditional mercy and compassion like what the Sahaabah had. Today we seek personal gains before we chose to show our compassion – we ask what’s there in it for us?

It is narrated that during the caliphate of Umar Radi Allahu Anhu, his daughter Hafsa once said "O Commander of the believers! I wish you would wear a garment less coarse than what you have, and accept to eat food less plain that what you eat, for Allah has increased our revenues, and His favors are plenty now!"  Umar Radi Allahu Anhu replied, " Do you not remember how Rasoolullah Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam and his companions lived, and how scarce was their personal comfort?" Hafsa burst into tears. He added, "By Allah, if I can share with them some of their hardships in the world, perhaps I could share with them some of their comfort in the hereafter."


That was the essence of a Muslim serving Islam and the Ummah, serving Allah swt the Creator and serving His creation. But today we don’t share the same ideology of personal sacrifice and have no social and communal commitments except in pleasures of this world. Today many of us Muslims are becoming more content with insignificant worldly success and less focused on serving the good of humanity.  Personal comfort and benefits have taken priority over the good of the Muslim Ummah. The community that needs to take care of the welfare of the individual is lacking and likewise the individual struggle to protect the community is lacking. Where are our faiths, our purpose in life and our sacrifices?


The Quran reminds us in Surah Al Anam 6: 162




Say: "Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds:


Can we say this and internalize this statement deep within our heart and soul. Search within ourselves to know how and where we stand in terms of our faith, our purpose and our sacrifices.


Today, our minds are influenced and our hearts are sealed by western ideologies and lifestyle.  Our eyes are veiled and we are oblivious to the reality, oblivious to our duties and responsibilities, oblivious to who, we truly are. We are in a state of Ghafla and painful is the condition of the Ummah. 


We need to realize that we have a stronger ability to direct our lives, shape the future of our children – as we have been given the guidelines from Allah swt and in the example of the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam. The power and economic strength of nations should not be our guide in the way we aught to live.


Brothers and Sisters in Islam, we need to internalize who we are and our purpose in life.  Yes we have to fulfill our religious obligations yet Al-Islam is not a religion that allows us to sit quietly in mosques while human beings suffer and the world cries to establish justice.  As Muslims we are to be those people who live and establish excellent moral behavior, advance intellectually, and purify spiritually but also serve as examples and witnesses for the other people of the world.


A Muslim represents a good person, a person of truth, of sincerity and of virtue. And as Muslim our life should be an open invitation through which people see the beauty of Islam and find it an interesting code of ethics and teachings to follow. This light of Islam needs to be shared.


Remember O Muslims, no new Prophet would come and no new message would be sent.  He, Most Exalted and Glorified, made this Ummah of Muhammed Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam to be the best Ummah no matter what difficulty it faced.  So long as we adhere to the truth of the Message (the Qur'an) and the example of the Messenger (the Sunnah), we will continue to be the best of people even in our worst state.


Innalláha Wa malaaikata yusallúna Alan nabi. Yá ay yuhal latheena ámanu sallú alayhi wasalli mú Tas leema.

Alláhumma salli alá Muhammad, wa ala áli Muhammad, kama salayta ala Ibrahim, wa ala ali Ibrahim, innaka hameedun majeed Alláhumma barik ala Muhammad, wa ala áli Muhammad, Kama barakta ala Ibrahim, wa ala ali ibrahim. Innaka hameedun majeed.




Inal hamdilillahi Nahmadahu WA nasta'eenahu WA nastaghfiruhuu,

Wa na'uzubillahi min shuroori anfusina WA min say'iaati a'maalina

Man yahdihi Allahu fa la muddilla lah

Wa man yudlil fa la hadiyah lah

Wa nashadu an-laa illaha ilallah wahdahu laa shareeka lahu

Wa nashadu anna Muhammadan abduhu WA Rasuulahu

Amma ba'd, 


"You are the best community ever raised for mankind. You enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong and you believe in Allah."

The fulfillment of these three conditions is an essential requirement for acquiring this honored status and by the same token if these conditions are invalidate the superiority of this Ummah will invalidate. Doing what is right, forbidding what is wrong and having faith in Allah.  Therefore, any Muslim community, regardless of its race or ethnic origin, wherever it exists and whatever its standard of development, belongs to this noble group whom God describes as "the best community ever raised for mankind", provided that it fulfills these three conditions. There is nothing like the “Chosen People of GOD” in Islam. If we fulfill the necessary conditions for being the best Ummah, Allah will help us establishing this identity.  But the Muslim world seems to be distant from our Aqeedah and have fallen into the trap and tribulations of despair, of grief and of turbulence. We seem to be like the most defeated, the most ignorant, the most divided Ummah on earth.


What is stopping us from seeking this honor?


Allah swt mentions in Surah Raad 13:11




Verily! Allah will not change the condition of a people as long as they don’t change their state.



Kuntum Khayra Ummatin: Allah swt addresses us collectively as an Ummah. Hence this is a collective responsibility that each of us needs to contribute towards.  We need to shoulder this responsibility at an individual level, at a leadership level and at a community level. Enjoining what is good; forbidding what is evil, it represents the responsibility in promoting and maintaining the true guidance of Allah in all dimensions of our life. Let every one of us ask him or herself; I am practicing that at my personal level? At the community level? At the leadership level. The third of these conditions - the belief code. Are we really, as Muslims adopting the true and pure beliefs that Rasool Allah Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam taught us?  Each person here, each leader here and all of us need to answer for our selves, and take account of our deeds and actions.

At an Individual level:

It is imperative that we have unwavering faith and a conduct evident by courage and consideration, and absolute conviction in the message of Allah swt. Hence we should do what Allah swt stated first in the noble Quran – Iqra.  Read.  Read with the first Hadith of Bukhari in mind, “action is by intention ”.  Then cultivate this as Sahaabah did - understand and implement the message with inward conviction and outward action.

The Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “The most perfect believer is the most educated one in morality.”

Today, we are still trapped by the worthless pleasures of this world; we are amused in the world of entertainment, consumed by consumerism and lost in foolish desires. We are more concerned about worldly pleasures rather than the world of Islam. We are more concerned about the dirt in our houses! But, neglect the dirt created by our nafs and desires? We are more concerned in the cleanliness of our homes! But we neglect the purity of our Iman. We love to decorate our houses. But, abandon decorating our minds with knowledge and wisdom?

We need to change ourselves, change our behavior and adopt those that the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam and his akhlak. We must put knowledge and studies first before entertainment and amusement. Especially, when the knowledge is Islamic knowledge.  We should live by the high standards shown by the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam and not adopt and imitate this Western civilization.  And each one of us has to make a sincere endeavor.

Each one of us needs to stand for truth and justice. Fulfilling our duties and imparting every thing its proper due:  Fulfilling the rights Huquq Allah – rights of Allah, Huquq al-AIbad – rights of human beings and Huquq alEshya – rights of things.  And we all know the rights due upon us but we need to act on it. Action is what is needed from each one of us, dedication to Islam and service to this Ummah. No matter how big or small a contribution we need to act, we need to contribute with time, effort, knowledge, money and our lives. Then and then only can we claim the honor of Khayra Ummatin, Allah willing.

Leadership Level

Today the Ummah faces a crisis of leadership. But I wont go into talking about the rulers of today or the dire need for the Khilafah, but leadership on the surface level, on a community level - as the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam said, “Each of you is a leader. And each of you will be questioned as to the actions of the people under your guidance”.

Our leaders here and everywhere need to understand that leadership is an Amanah. It is a trust that people place to do good – politically, spiritually and religiously. It is a trust to hold the reins and direct the community towards higher educational and social excellence. It carries the responsibility of bringing religious duties into action.

Question yourselves as leaders about your actions, your sincerity and your integrity. 


A Muslim scholar, once said, if the leader sways from the right course by an inch, his people will sway from it by a mile.


As a leader are you the role model for the community to emulate? Or is your duty as leaders confined to preservation and protection of the mosque and planning of EID prayers alone or do we carry the responsibility of setting higher standards of increasing deen in our community and being the guide and the genuine motivating force. No doubt that this is a challenge in the environment we live in with all different social and political connotations but that should deter our goals and let it not be a reason not to act. Any act performed with sincerity for the sake of Allah swt and the genuine belief in it will surely bring the desired effect, Allah willing.  But we need to act.


When we can set an environment that promotes Islamic activities, that promotes Islamic values and mannerism, that promotes education and Islamic mind-set, no matter how big or small, InshaAllah, Allah swt will honor us as the Khayra Ummatin.




Community Level


We must not let any societal influence rob us of our prayers, remove from us our Islamic culture, our economic system, our Islamic educational system, our Islamic values, our minds from Allah, and deprive our children of an Islamic future.


We have a responsibility to shoulder my Brothers and Sisters as parents, as relatives, as neighbors and as Muslims.


Imam Shafee said, "I never talked with someone but sincerely wished that Allah keep him, protect him from sin and misdeed and guide him; and I never debated with someone but sincerely wished that we would come upon truth, regardless of whether he or I should be the one to think of it first."


That is sincere well wish for others.  That is the Islamic Adaab. Have we taught that to our children? Have we inspired Islamic values and encouraged Islamic discipline in them. We need to think.


We need to understand our position and worth and realize the responsibility we hold and only then can we claim the honor of Khayra Ummatin, Allah willing.


Allah swt mentions is Surah Al Imran 3:104



"Let there arise out of you an Ummah inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones who shall be successful."

May Allah swt make us among those that are successful and those whom He chose to call His Khayra Ummatin.


Al hamdilillahi rabbil alameen irRahman irRaheem, Malik al yawm ad-deen.

Wassalatu Wasallam ala Sayyidina Muhammad bin Abdullah Khatamul Anbiya wal Mursaleen.

Allah Hummag firlil Muslimina wal Muslimaat, Wal Momineena Wal Mominaat














Surah al-Mumta'hana 60:4


Surah at-Tahreem 66:8


 innalláha wa malaaikata yusallúna alan nabi. Yá ay yuhal latheena ámanu sallú alayhi wasalli mú tas leema. Allahumma salli alá Muhammad, wa ala áli Muhammad, kama salayta ala Ibrahim, wa ala ali Ibrahim. Allahumma barik ala Muhammad, kama barakta ala Ibrahim, wa ala ali ibrahim. Fil ála meen, innaka hameedun majeed.

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