
Dr Ahmed Adam

        Foundation for Islamic Publications

Pretoria, South Africa 

Marriage is for keeps. Yet, one often hears of a couple who have decided to divorce or separate from each other for some or other reason. Some people divorce within a few month’s of marriage, while others divorce after a few years. Yet, there are other marriages that last forever . Why do some marriages succeed and why do some marriages fail? Why are some marriages filled with happiness and contentment while other marriages seem to be like a ticking time bomb? Are there any secrets to successful marriages or is getting married like one big lucky packet – some people are lucky , while some people are not so lucky. In the USA , 67% of first marriages end up in divorce , thus creating a money-making opportunity for divorce lawyers , who are just too happy to divorce couples. Furthermore , because of the upsurge in divorce , many couples prefer to remain single or instead prefer to ‘live together’ to experiment if they are suitable for one another , before ‘taking the plunge.”  What is the right thing to do ? Fortunately , for Muslims , clear guidance comes from the Quran and the Sunnah .The principles contained in the Quran and the Sunnah are universal principles that are applicable to the whole of humanity . If  married couples  apply these principles to their marriage , then Insha-Allah , there would be less broken homes throughout the world. This brief article, looks at the institution of marriage , and how  we , both those who are already married , and especially those contemplating marriage , should conduct ourselves so that we  can lead a life of  reasonable contentment and happiness with our partner , and also ,   so that we do not fall victim to the scourge of divorce.




In Islam , there is no such thing as “living together’. Getting married is one of the Sunnahs of our beloved Prophet Mohamed (SAW) . This is particularly important for the late teens and early twenties , when youngsters hormones are at their peak. If a person cannot find a suitable mate immediately , he/she should not be hasty and give up all attempts . Furthermore , nor should he /she commit acts that are forbidden .


Surah Nur : S24 V33 : Let those who find not the wherewithal for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah gives them means out of His Grace.


Marriage is the only contract which allows for cohabitation of a man and a woman as stated in the following Hadith :


Sahih Al Bukhari   Hadith 3.882  Narrated by Uqba bin Amir (RA)

Allah’s Apostle (SAW) said , “ From amoung all the conditions which you have to fulfill, the conditions which make it legal for you to have sexual relations (ie the marriage contract) have the greatest right to be fulfilled.”


Islam gives clear guidance : marriage is the only institution that allows for cohabitation of couples. Everything else is either fornication or adultery , both of which are not allowed in Islam.




For the unmarried boy or girl who is contemplating getting married , this is a time of uncertainty and confusion. Who is the right person ? How do I find the right person ? What if I make a mistake ? Buying a car is much easier – if you don’t like it you change it . But a partner in marriage is a lifetime commitment . Friends and family give conflicting information. Every boy looks for his “Miss right” and every girl looks for her “Mr. Right.” In selecting our life partner, some people  use the media , TV and Cinema to dictate  the choices they  make as to how our ideal husband or wife should look like – we look for the “Hollywood” or “Bollywood” image  . If we use these sources to find our ideal partner, we are often disappointed because the illusion is far removed from reality.


Usually, one of the first things that attract two people together is the external physical characteristics. However, many people confuse this initial physical attraction as “love” and fall headlong into oblivion. Young girls fight with their parents that the fellow is “absolutely cute’ and this is the man of her dreams, while the young boy insists that this is his dream girl and he will not be able to live without her. When boys and girls are ‘in heat”, the parents try and give suggestions , advice , counseling and appeals , but to no avail. The marriage goes ahead and sometimes leads to problems. Youngsters should remember that parents love you and want you to be happy. Parents are there to guide you and give you advice. Think about this advice from your mother , father or family and don’t just reject it . When you are happy , your parents are happy . When you are unhappy , your parents are unhappy. Even though they may seem ‘old-fashioned” , they have the wisdom of years . Your parents “old fashioned” advice and suggestions will only make sense one day , when you yourself  are a parent. Mothers know their daughters like a book and intuitively know which boy will be a suitable match , and it is therefore important to involve the parents and guardians when selecting a partner :


Sunan of Abu-Dawood   Hadith 2090   Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar (RA)

The Prophet (SAW) said : “ Consult  women about (the marriage of ) their daughters.”


Sunan of Abu-Dawood  Hadith 2080   Narrated by Abu Musa (RA)

The Prophet (SAW) said : “ There is no marriage without the permission of a guardian.”


However , even though the consent and advice of parents is very important ,  parents must not make the error of waiting too long for the “right person.” Many people reject good proposals with the hope that maybe the next proposal will be “better.” However , if  a good proposal comes , take advantage of the opportunity , because there is no guarantee that another opportunity will come nor is there any guarantee that the next proposal will be ‘better’ :


Al- Tirmidhi   Hadith 3090                      Narrated by Abu Huraira (RA)

Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, “ When someone with whose religion and character you are satisfied asks your daughter in marriage , accede to his request…”


A great emphasis has been laid on the “religion and character” of the boy. On the other hand , some parents force their children into marriages that the children do not want . Many boys and girls have been forced into relationships in which they were not given a choice. This also is not a recommended route to follow . The permission of the girl (and boy) must be obtained :


Sahih Al-Bukhari          Hadith 9.79           Narrated by Aisha (RA)

I asked the Prophet (SAW) , “ O Allah’s Apostle ! Should the women be asked for their consent to their marriage ?  He said , “Yes.”  I said , “ A virgin , if asked , feels shy and keeps quiet.” He said, “ Her silence means her consent.”


Consent is applicable to both boys and girls.


Sahih Al-Bukhari   Hadith 7.67            Narrated by Abu Huraira (RA)

The Prophet (SAW) said, “ A matron should not be given in marriage except after consulting her ; and a virgin should not be given in marriage except after her permission.”


Marriage is a life-long commitment . You have to know who you are getting married to. Arranged marriages where the boy and girl do not even get a chance to  see each other are not recommended :


Al-Tirmidhi   Hadith 3107  Narrated by Al-Mughirah ibn Shu’bah(RA)

I asked a woman in marriage and Allah’s Messenger (SAW) asked me whether I had looked at her. When I replied that I had not , he (SAW) said,“ Then  look at her, for it is better that there should be love between you.”


In essence therefore , the selection of  a suitable life partner should be done in consultation with all relevant parties so that there is mutual consultation and harmony in the decision , thus increasing the chances of selecting the suitable mate ,for this very important , life decision. When looking for a wife , the following 4 criteria are usually considered important by the prospective suitor ,


(1)   Wealth and/or (2) Family status and/or (3) Beauty and/or (4) Religion


Sahih Bukhari Hadith 7.27 Narrated by Abu Huraira (RA)

The Prophet (SAW) said , “ a woman is married for four things ie her wealth , her family status , her beauty and her religion. So you should marry the religious woman (otherwise you will be a loser).


Some boys marry only for wealth and ignore the other criteria. Some marry only for beauty and ignore the family background and piety. When you marry someone , you are not marrying an individual , you are marrying a whole family. This was one of the methods that the Prophet (SAW) effectively used , to strengthen the  bonds between different tribes. A marriage builds bridges between two families. So, family background is also important. However , the most important criteria , and the very first criteria , should revolve around the piety of the woman. The woman that you will marry will be the future mother of your children. How will she bring up your family ? What family , religious and moral values will she instill in your children ? A righteous women is the key to the successful upbringing of children according to Islamic value systems. A righteous woman is an asset to her husband and her family because she ensures that the light of religion shines brightly in the house. She encourages her husband and children to conduct their affairs according to religious values so that the house is then filled with Baraka. The first university of knowledge and moral upbringing is the lap of the mother . A righteous woman not only raises her children with kindness and love , but also looks after the property of her husband as stated in the following Hadith :


Sahih Bukhari  Hadith 7.19            Narrated by Abu Huraira (RA)

The Prophet (SAW) said, “ The best women are the riders of the camels and the righteous among the women of Quraish. They are the kindest women to their children in their childhood and the more careful women of the property of their husbands.”


These thoughts are usually far removed from the youngster when he contemplates marriage , and that is why the Prophet (SAW) reminds us of the important criteria that one should look for in a marriage partner – marriage is not a 100m sprint – marriage is a long marathon. The same advice is also applicable to girls when they are looking for a prospective husband : piety and character are the first requirements. Marriage is like bondage . Young girls should therefore think carefully about who they would like to share their life with – piety and good character give very good guidelines for the right partner.  Wealth ,beauty or family background are added bonuses. Furthermore ,  believers should only marry believers :


Surah Baqarah S2 V221 : Do not marry unbelieving women (idolators), until they believe ; …. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe;


Furthermore , to ensure that the Religious values are held high and that there is common understanding between the husband and wife , the following commands are given :


Surah Nur S24 V3 : Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry any but a woman similarly guilty , or an unbeliever ; nor let any but such a man or an unbeliever marry such a woman : to the Believers such a thing is forbidden


Surah Nur :S24 V26 : Women impure are for men impure ,and men impure  for women impure ; and women of purity are for men of purity , and men of purity are for women of purity.


The piety of the woman is thus very important when selecting a life partner. The family background and status , will also give clues as to how the girl (or boy) have been brought up and raised and what type of family values have been instilled in them. If a girl is poor and not very attractive physically , but she is religiously inclined , then this is better for you and for your future children in the long run. If a girl is pious and attractive , then this is an added bonus. However , beauty is in the eye of the beholder and each person radiates their own inner beauty . To every mother , her son is a ‘handsome prince” and her daughter is a ‘beautiful princess.” The inner beauty of piety and kindness is the most important beauty that must be sought.


Finally , the interference in the bond between a betrothed couple is not allowed. In some cases , when a boy sees that 2 people are engaged , he starts interfering and causes confusion in the mind of the girl , so that she breaks her engagement . This practice is not morally acceptable :


Sahih Bukhari           Hadith 7.73           Narrated by Ibn Umar (RA)

The Prophet (SAW)  decreed that …a man should not ask for the hand of a girl who is already engaged to his Muslim brother , unless the first suitor gives her up , or allows him to ask for her hand.


Happiness is a state of mind. No one who is contemplating marriage , decides to get married for hardship. Every person who desires marriage , does it so that his or her life will be filled with more happiness and love. The only thing that a girl wants, is to be happy with her husband . The only thing that a boy wants, is to be happy with his wife. If happiness is the ultimate aim for everyone , how do we at least ensure that our married lives will have some level of happiness and harmony ?The best advice in this regard , is as follows :


When looking for a suitable partner , keep both eyes and ears wide open. That is , do your homework properly , so as to avoid regrets later. However , once you are married , you have to close one eye and close one ear : meaning that you will have to overlook some  of the things that your married partner is doing. Before marriage , your partner appears to be the perfect choice. However ,there is no such thing as a ‘perfect partner.” You will only get to truly understand a person when you share your life with another person 24 hours a day , 7 days a week , through sickness and in health , for richer or poorer. There will definitely be certain things about you that your partner does not like and certain things about your partner that you don’t like –these will only become evident with time. Don’t get disappointed when you start noticing these differences . You can discuss with each other about the way these differences bother you and you can encourage your partner to change. However , the only way to live in peace and harmony is to turn a blind eye to some things and turn a deaf ear to other things ; mutual tolerance is the key to a successful marriage.




Once you have received a ‘yes’ answer and both families have agreed on the wedding date, the young bridal couple are on “Cloud 9.” They keep floating on this cloud until a few weeks or a few months after the wedding. Then the bubble bursts and the itch begins.


For the time being however, the bride and her groom are only concerned about the Big Wedding Day. Nothing else matter’s. Everything must be perfect for the special day and months of preparation go into making this day a success. {Many couples spend a lot of time preparing for the wedding day, but have no idea what to expect from a marriage and enter married life totally unprepared for what is expected from them.} The Wedding is a very happy occasion. It is a public display that shows that the family and community are supportive of the new union. A celebration of the wedding by means of a feast is encouraged in Islam :


Sahih Bukhari Hadith 7.10 Narrated by Anas bin Malik (RA)

The Prophet (SAW) said ,” Offer a banquet , even with one sheep.”


The offering of a wedding feast is therefore a blessing . However ,in Islam , moderation is encouraged , while extravagance is discouraged. If Allah (SWT) has Blessed you with wealth then spending on your dependants is encouraged without transgressing undue limits.


Surah Bani Israel S17 V26 : …squander not (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift. Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the Evil ones.


Unfortunately, some people borrow money or bond their homes in order to offer a very lavish feast for their children. However , the above Hadith clearly indicates that even “one sheep” is sufficient . Everyone must spend within their means. A lavish wedding does not mean that the marriage will automatically be successful. Unfortunately, many wives and daughters put tremendous pressure on their husbands and fathers to host a very lavish function because otherwise they will not be able to ‘face the community ” – a certain standard has been set and everyone tries to keep to that “standard”. Or sometimes, the husband is manipulated into spending more than he can afford because this is his ‘last gift’ that he will be giving his daughter . However, many people have realized that keeping up with your neighbours or ‘maintaining your image” is a waste of time and money. More and more people are spending within their means; furthermore , even  people who have lots of money are hosting very simple weddings and using the saved money as an investment or gift for the young couple . It would be better to have a simple wedding and use the savings to send the young couple for Hajj or to start them off on a new business. Each family however, ultimately decides what is the best for them. The main point is that the wedding itself should not become a burden on the couple or their families:


Al- Tirmidhi    Hadith 3097           Narrated by Aisha (RA)

The Prophet (SAW) said, “ The marriage which produces most blessing is that which involves least burden.”


Furthermore, the wedding itself is a public event . It is a celebration for the community that 2 individuals have committed themselves to each other and Insha-Allah, they will be blessed with children who will contribute to the growth of Islam and thus ensure its perpetuity.


Sunan of Abu Dawood    Hadith 2125  narrated by Abu Huraira (RA)

When the Prophet (SAW) congratulated a man on his marriage , he said: ”May Allah bless for you , and may He bless on you , and combine both of you in good (works).”


This public display of happiness is thus encouraged and the invited guests are thus encouraged to participate and share in this happy occasion by attending the function:


Sahih Bukhari  Hadith 7.102  Narrated by Abdullah bin Umar (RA)

Allah’s Apostle (SAW) said , “ If anyone of you is invited to a wedding banquet, he must go for it (accept the invitation).


Furthermore, some form of amusement (obviously within acceptable guidelines)  to keep the guests entertained , is permissible on this happy  & auspicious occasion :


Sahih Bukhari   Hadith 7.92 A  Narrated by Aisha (RA)

..that she prepared a lady for a man from the Ansar as his bride and the Prophet (SAW) said, “ O ‘Aisha ! have’nt you got any amusement (during the marriage ceremony ) as the Ansar like amusement ?”


However , for a wedding to have Baraka , it is important not to host a function  where only the “rich and famous” are invited :


Sahih Bukhari  Hadith 7.106  Narrated by Abu Huraira (RA)

The worst food is that of a wedding banquet to which only the rich are invited while the poor are not invited.”


If space or limited seating is sometimes a problem , then the solution would be to at least  cook a little extra and distribute the food to the poor and needy.


MARRIAGE : Happily ever after ?


The Wedding day marks a very important milestone in the life of the couple. It signifies the end of your single life and it signifies the beginning of a new life for you : it is now a life as a couple , a life of family responsibility . Some people make this transition with adjustments and cope with their new responsibilities and find that their married life brings more joy and happiness than when they were single. Other people however , have  difficulty making this adjustment and this gives rise to the seeds of discontent which surface later. It is ironic and sad , that a wedding day , where so much happiness and joy was displayed , does not continue in that same spirit . For some couples, their dreams of “living happily ever after “ are soon shattered. No one wants to experience the pain, bitterness and heartache that goes into a marriage that is sitting on a time bomb – daily ticking away. What happened to the ‘prince”; what happened to the ‘princess”? The days before the marriage, the boy and girl day-dreamed and romanticized about spending their whole life together in total bliss , “till death do us part.” The wife seems to have changed. The husband seems to have changed. What went wrong? In fact, neither the wife nor the husband has changed. The illusion of a fairy tale wedding has disappeared and reality has appeared.


Many unhappy couples stay together for the sake of the children. Other couples separate because of irreconcilable differences and decide to divorce. However , divorce is an act that should be left as a last resource only when other options are not available. Divorce is not only a traumatic time for the husband and wife , but also for the two families , and most importantly , it is  traumatic for the children. Marriage is therefore a  serious business. A couple cannot divorce for no reason , nor should they take the act of divorce in a light manner .


Al-Tirmidhi            Hadith 3294    narrated by Mu’adh ibn Jabal (RA)

Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said ,”…Allah has created nothing on the face of the earth more hateful to Him than divorce.”


Sunan of Abu-Dawood  Hadith 2172          narrated by Muharib (RA)

The Prophet (SAW) said : Allah did not make anything lawful more abominable to Him than divorce.


Sunan of Abu-Dawood          Hadith 2218                  narrated by Thawban (RA)

The Prophet (SAW) said : If any woman asks her husband for divorce without some strong reason, the odour of  Paradise will be forbidden to her.”


The act of divorce is therefore so reprehensible , that all efforts should be made to reconcile the couple and to try and ascertain the cause of the problem and how it can be resolved. Many times, a 3rd party can shed new light on the matter , which the two disputing parties may not be able to see. The first option therefore , should be to strive to seek a solution :


Surah Nisaa S4 V35 : If ye fear a breach between them twain, appoint (two) arbiters, one from his family, and the other from hers ; if they wish for peace, Allah will cause their reconciliation :


In some instances , for example , in the case of continuous adulterous relationships or severe wife beating and assault , or  habitual gambling and drinking (or drug addiction) by either husband or wife , or continuous intolerance by either husband or wife , or continuous fault-finding by either husband or wife  , and despite efforts by all parties to resolve the problem, then divorce may be the only option to consider . In other instances, some couples are very quick to divorce at the slightest provocation without giving their marriage a chance to succeed. Couples  should therefore always seek guidance before making a hasty decision. Such cases must be done in consultation with the learned Ulema on matters pertaining to the rules of Shariah , because when a divorce is finalized , then you cannot remarry the same person , unless certain conditions are fulfilled as stated hereunder :


Sahih Al- Bukhari                  Hadith 7.187          Narrated by Aisha (RA)

A man divorced his wife thrice (by expressing his decision to divorce her thrice), then she married another man who also divorced her. The Prophet (SAW) was asked if she could legally marry the first husband (or not). The Prophet (SAW) replied , “ No , she cannot marry the first husband unless the second husband consummates his marriage with her , just as the first husband had done.”


The reason for placing this strict  condition is that couples should think very carefully before divorcing .




If divorce is not an easy option , then the only solution is to have guidelines that will lead towards a happy and contented marriage where harmony and mutual love is the order of the day. Marriage is about commitment. Marriage is about two people who have to learn to live with each other as well as with their respective families. The only way to succeed in doing this is to learn how to get along with people. The Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) give clear guidelines on how to attain a state of marital bliss.



(1)             Mutual Tolerance & Acceptance


When two people get married , they each bring with them their own background of likes and dislikes , habits and personality differences. Each person has a different way of looking at the world and has a different solution to common problems. This is bound to create conflict. However , successful marriages learn how to deal with these differences . Once you are married , you have to accept your partner .The idea of marriage is to learn about each others preferences , likes and dislikes and to be tolerant of each other. Mutual tolerance is the key. Without tolerance of each other , there are bound to be on-going conflicts. The weeks, months and years after your wedding day , is the time to get to know your partner really well.  Intolerance and stubbornness are recipes for disaster. Marriage is about bonding. Marriage is about combining two individuals with different backgrounds , into one unified whole.  How is this possible ? The following analogy will clarify the two roles . There are three types of couples :


(a) If both partners are stubborn and intolerant , this is like hitting two pieces of stones against each other. The stones clash and chips fly off (emotional scars). There is no bonding in this type of marriage. In this marriage , there is a power play – a constant tug-of-war


(b) If one partner is stubborn and intolerant , and the other one is soft , then this leads to abuse. It is like pressing a stone into clay. The clay is soft, it gives , but the stone is hard , it only takes. This is a selfish relationship – it is one sided. In this scenario , a husband may be a control freak  and becomes totally obsessive and abusive to his wife . This is an autocratic relationship where the wife is not treated as an equal partner .In another scenario , the wife may be the one who manipulates her husband to get what she desires. The husband may not realize that he is being manipulated by his sweet talking wife , because she knows his weaknesses and focuses on them.


( C) The best relationship is when both partners give and take , with mutual love , tolerance , acceptance and understanding. This is like taking two pieces of clay and pressing them against each other – you get a wavy line of give and take. This forms a complete union. This is what marriage is all about.




The harmonious union of give and take does not come automatically. It requires effort on the part of both husband and wife . It requires overlooking of faults . It requires total acceptance of your partner ,  even though there may be some areas which you think may be  weaknesses. These weaknesses may in fact be strengths and Blessings from Allah (SWT) :


Surah Baqara S2 V216 :…it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth and ye know not.


(2)             Appreciate and understand your partner


Understanding your partner is a crucial element in cementing the bonds of love between a newly married couple. In-law problems , personality clashes , minor irritations , business problems and other problems can be a source of much unhappiness and conflicts. Unfortunately , many happy relationships turn sour when the husband and the wife allow the stresses of daily living to affect their relationship . For example , the husband may have problems at work  or the traffic was bad and he comes home in a bad mood and takes out his frustration on the poor wife who was patiently waiting for him the whole day. Or , alternatively ,  the wife takes out her frustration of the day on her poor unsuspecting husband and he cannot understand why she is behaving like this. Arguments and fighting are usual and are sometimes considered as a healthy outlet for pent up emotions. However , the underlying causes of on-going battles have to be assessed and managed so that eventually the dust settles (this can sometimes take a few years) until peace , harmony and mutual tolerance is the norm. Husbands need to take the wise counsel of the Holy Prophet (SAW) when he urged the men to take care of the women :


Sahih Bukhari  Hadith 7.114  narrated by Abu Huraira (RA)

The Prophet (SAW) said, “.. I advise you to take care of the women , for they are created from a rib and the most crooked portion of the rib is its upper part ; if you try to straighten it , it will break , and if you leave it , it will remain crooked , so I urge you to take care of the women.”


Many men cannot understand the thinking and behaviour of some women. This serves as a source of much irritation and disputes. A man cannot force his wife to do things against her will . Just as a rib cannot function properly if it is forced and made straight , so too is a wife affected if she is forced to do things against her nature. A rib only functions properly when it is bent. Similarly, a women only functions properly when she is encouraged to be a woman. A woman cannot be a man. Unfortunately , some men are impatient with the various moods of their wife , and lash out with verbal and physical abuse. However , both men and women have to learn how to control their anger. It is not easy, but it is an essential ingredient for harmonious interpersonal relationships :


Sahih Bukhari Hadith 8.135   Narrated by Abu Huraira (RA)

Allah’s Apostle (SAW) said , “ The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength , but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger.”


Men who physically or emotionally abuse their wife at the slightest provocation, are cowards and only delude themselves that they are strong. In fact, they have a low self -esteem of themselves and no self respect. They are bullies. Men have been created physically stronger than women, not to abuse them, but to protect them :


Surah Nisaa S4 V34 : Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means.


Furthermore , verbal abuse is just as bad , if not worse , than physical abuse. Instead of continuous verbal abuse , both men and women should learn to use words that communicate love and kindness . Verbal abuse is a bad habit that must be changed. Many women have a very sharp tongue that arouses the anger of the man. Women must take care that they do not become nagging wives with sour tongues. A woman must support her husband and give him courage – she should not criticize, nag , complain or demoralize him . She should do things that please the husband as stated in the following Hadith :


Sunan of Abu Dawood   Hadith 1660 Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA)

Allah’s Apostle (SAW) said :” Let me inform you about the best a man hoards : it is a virtuous woman who pleases him when he looks at her , obeys him when he gives her a command , and guards his interest when he is away from her.”




Both men & women must learn to control the tongue. The tongue can be a blessing or a curse – depending on how it is used.


Surah Baqara S2 V263 : Kind words and covering of faults are better than charity followed by injury.


Focus on the good qualities of each other. Don’t keep bringing up past mistakes . Forget the faults that your partner has made – no one is perfect ; we all make mistakes. But if we keep irritating the other person about his / her past mistakes , then we are perpetually living in the past and there is no hope for a happy future . The future is a product of today .


Surah Maida S5 V14 : …for Allah loveth those who are kind


Wives should express appreciation for everything that the husband is doing for her  and the family instead of nagging all the time. Similarly , husbands should express appreciation for everything that the wife is doing for the family and not ignore the valuable contribution she is making. These acknowledgements are important – don’t take your partner for granted.


(3)             Solve problems with mutual understanding


The following are examples of a few problems that typically occur. However , the principles of discussion , mutual understanding and consultation can also be applied to other problems in general to achieve win-win outcomes :


(a) Mother – in – law problems


The new bride who comes into the house should be given all the support , love & care that she needs. She has left the comfort of her parents home and is now starting a totally new life . This is not easy. This takes adjustment . This takes lots of patience from the new family. The in-laws should treat the new daughter in law as if she is their own daughter. How will they like their own daughter to be treated? Treat others as you would like to be treated :


Sahih Bukhari Hadith 1.12      narrated by Anas (RA)

The Prophet (SAW) said,” None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself


However , on the other hand , some daughter-in-laws put a lot of pressure on the husbands regarding ‘problems ‘ with his mother. Instead of discussing these problems in a mature way , small petty problems are made into big issues – making mountains out of molehills. The poor fellow is caught between his mother and his wife . He loves them both. How can he choose? The wife has to understand that it is the Islamic duty of the son to look after his parents. Furthermore , it is also his Islamic Duty to look after his wife . He cannot choose one or the other . He has to find solutions that will satisfy both parties , and this will require a lot of mutual tolerance ,understanding, maturity  and lots of communication. Unfortunately, there are some women who  do not appreciate the efforts of their husband and their new family  , and  they give the erroneous impression that they are  enduring many hardships. These are usually women who have entered married life not knowing what to expect and cannot handle the responsibilities of running a home and raising children. They spread all sorts of  rumours regarding their living conditions and falsify the truth to earn sympathy from their friends and family. Allah (SWT) clearly warns against this type of behaviour as follows:


Surah Baqara S2 V42 : …and cover not truth with falsehood,


Surah Hujurat S49 V6 : O ye who believe ! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done


Surah Hujurat S49 V12  : O ye who believe ! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible)


 Surah  Zariyat S51 V10 : Woe to the falsehood mongers,-


It is the duty of parents to raise their children in such a manner that they learn take up responsibility. Parents must raise their daughters to look after their husband and accept his family as her own. Parents must raise their sons to look after their wife and accept her family as his own. Finally, if the young married couple are happy and minding their own business, then the parents and in-laws should avoid interfering in their life , since this can lead to unnecessary conflict in some cases.




(B)Birth of children


Some fathers have an obsession about boys. The obsession with boys  is further compounded by the mother –in-law who gives regular hints to the daughter-in-law that she will be “very pleased” with a boy grandchild. The poor girl is terrified if she gives birth to a girl. She is put under a lot of unnecessary pressure . However, the choice of a boy or a girl is not the decision of the mother . Allah (SWT) Decides :


Surah Al-Imran S3 V6 : He it is Who shapes you in the wombs as He pleases .


Surah Shura S42 V49 : He bestows (children) male or female according to His Will (and plan).


Some couples forget that the birth of a healthy child ,whether it is a boy or a girl , is a very rewarding gift from Allah (SWT) that we take for granted :


Surah Mu’minun S23 V78 : It is He Who has created for you (the faculties of ) hearing, sight, feeling and understanding : little thanks it is ye give !


(C ) Money problems


Surah Saba S34 V36 : Say : “ Verily my Lord enlarges and restricts the Provision to whom He pleases, but most men understand not.”


It is the duty of men to work and provide for the family. However , no matter how studious his endeavours are , his sustenance is ultimately determined by Allah (SWT). This does not mean that he must sit back and do nothing. He must work to the best of his ability. Unfortunately, some wives place unnecessary hardships on their husbands to keep earning more money so that they can acquire the material glittering of this world. This can be a source of ongoing conflict unless the husband has chosen a righteous wife who endeavours to look after the property of her husband and is thankful and grateful for whatever  the husband provides.  A dutiful wife not only looks after her husbands property , but also gives charity from it , so that the whole family can benefit . A dutiful wife does not squander her husbands money , but protects it. A dutiful wife shows gratitude to her husband and thereby achieves harmony in the house and also thereby earns the pleasure of Allah (SWT) :


Sahih Bukhari          Hadith 2.541          Narrated by Abu Said Al Khudri

Allah’s Apostle (SAW) said , “ O women ! Give alms , for I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-Fire were you (women).” The women asked , “ O Allah’s Apostle ! What is the reason for it ?” . He  replied , “ O women ! You curse frequently , and are ungrateful to your husbands.”


In essence therefore , the above few examples illustrate that problems are a part of any marriage. There is no marriage which does not have problems. It depends on how you deal with those problems. Dealing with problems requires patience and forgiveness. If a person is not patient and forgiving , then solutions will not be forthcoming . Furthermore , both partners have to learn to be mutually patient and forgiving and not only expect the one partner to be patient and forgiving all the time . One is not born to be patient and forgiving . One has to learn this technique and apply it , and Insha-Allah , the efforts in disciplining oneself will bear fruits as stated as follows :


Surah Shura S42 V43 : ..but indeed if any show patience and forgive , that would truly be an exercise of courageous will and resolution in the conduct of affairs.


(4)             Have fun with your partner


An essential ingredient for a happy marriage is to allocate some of your time especially with your partner . This means to find activities that are fun, joyous or special that you can enjoy with each other . These experiences should form the basis for good memories that you will treasure. Examples could be picnics , a stroll in a shopping center , jogging or exercising together , crossword puzzles , reading a good book , cooking together ,going for a drive , sitting by the fireplace or any other activities that you can share with your partner. We can learn from the  Glorious Example of the Holy Prophet (SAW) from the following Ahadith :


Sunan of Abu-Dawood          Hadith 2572                   Narrated by Aisha (RA)

While she was on a journey along with the Apostle of Allah (SAW) : I had a race with him (the Prophet SAW) and I outstripped him on my feet. When I became fleshy , (again) I had a race with him (the Prophet SAW) and he outstripped me. He said : This is for that outstripping.


And ,


Sahih Bukhari   Hadith 9.439                    narrated by Aisha (RA)

This big copper vessel used to be put for me and Allah’s Apostle and we would take water from it together (on taking a bath).


The above two examples show the importance of sharing activities that will increase the bond between couples. Furthermore , it is also important to remember , that this bond also applies to areas relating to intimacy. A common example is oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene is essential for intimacy . Unfortunately , some people ignore the benefits (both health and social) of good oral hygiene. For example , smokers forget that cigarette smoke contains many toxins and ingredients that are harmful to the body. Besides the damage to the organs , the breath smells offensive, but the chronic smoker (especially the cigar smoker) is not aware of this because  his nose is conditioned to the smell. Some foods also lead to odious breath and it is because of this that the Holy Prophet (SAW) laid great emphasis on oral hygiene :


Sahih Bukhari          Hadith 9.346          Narrated by Abu Huraira (RA)

Allah’s Apostle (SAW) said : “ were I not afraid that it would be hard on my followers , I would order them to use the siwak (as obligatory for cleaning the teeth ).


(5)             Nurture your fondness and admiration


Relationships that are in trouble as well as new relationships , require that each partner should respect the other and find ways and means to develop and nourish the bonds of fondness . You have to compliment your partner on things that you admire or what he /she has done . Furthermore , fondness means treating everyone  with gentleness and not harshness .


Sunan of Abu Dawood           Hadith 4790                   Narrated by Aisha (RA)

She said : The Apostle of Allah (SAW)…. said to me : Aisha ! Show gentleness , for if gentleness is found in anything it beautifies it and when it is taken out from anything it damages it.


Thinking only good things about your partner develops fondness. There may well be areas that you dislike , but if you want to develop strong bonds of affection , then you have to focus on the good qualities. This is not always possible , but attempts should be made. Furthermore , it also helps to call each other by good pet-names that you can use to show your affection . In the following hadith , the Prophet (SAW) called his wife Aisha (RA) by the beautiful affectionate name of  “Little Rosy one”


Al-Tirmidhi          Hadith 3007                   Narrated by Aisha (RA)

Aisha (RA)  asked Allah’s Messenger (SAW) what the thing was which it was unlawful to refuse and he replied that it was water , salt and fire. She said, “Messenger of Allah , we know about water , but what is the significance of salt and fire ? He replied, “ Little rosy one, he who gives fire is as though he had given Sadaqah of all that the fire cooked….”


Every relationship is based on effective communication. Your words and actions will  determine if your communication is a moment of separation or a moment of joining. Sweet words bond people together , while sour words separate people from each other .Gentleness , kindness and courtesy result in moments of bonding and joining – it brings the couple closer together. Harshness , anger ,pettiness and intolerance  develops walls and barriers between the couple. Your partner needs your support and is hungry for your support. Each wife has an invisible sign on her forehead which states “handle with care.” Similarly , each husband has an invisible sign on his forehead which states “handle with care.” Husbands and wives are there to mutually shelter each other and support one another. When you have a problem you confide in your partner and your partner will give you advice . Clothes shelter you from the harsh winter and the burning sun. Similarly ,husbands provide comfort and shelter for their wives , and wives provide shelter and comfort for their husbands just as clothes provide comfort and shelter :


Surah Baqara S2 V187 : …They are your garments . And ye are their garments…


It is therefore important to support and protect your partner and give them comfort  - build bridges instead of barriers. Strengthen the bonds of love and friendship :


Surah A’raf S7 V189 : It is He who created you from a single person , and made his mate of like nature , in order that he might dwell with her (in love).



(6)              Gratitude Journal


Every relationship has the good times and the bad times. It is ironic that we only remember or recall the good times with fondness when a person is dead. Then it is too late. Whenever your marriage has problems or if your marriage is saturated and reaches a stage of boredom, recall the good times and inject some romance back into your marriage. Go through your family photo albums (or talk about the “good old days”) and recall all the good times that you had. Recall the happy days ,  the days of courting , the wedding day , births and special occasions. Then start writing in a little book , called a ‘gratitude journal” in which you write all the happy moments in your life and why you are so lucky to have your partner , your children, your religion, your community, your parents ,  etc. When you look around you and see the hardships and difficulties that other people are faced with , then you realize how fortunate you are and the only thing you can do is give thanks to Allah (SWT). The  next time you are feeling that your relationship is not what it used to be , open this gratitude journal and rejuvenate your relationship. Often , we take things for granted and forget how much Allah (SWT) has blessed us :


Surah Ebrahim S14 V34 : And He giveth you of all that ye ask for. But if you count the favours of Allah, never will ye be able to number them. Verily, man is given up to injustice and ingratitude.


(7)             Cherish your parents


Your parents only want what is good for you. Youngsters get married , have children and then they themselves become parents and grandparents , and so the cycle of life goes on. When you have children of your own , your only desire is for their safety  & happiness and success in this world and in the Hereafter. If your son or daughter marries a believer , you at least have the assurance that your grandchildren will be exposed to Islam and Islam will thus continue in your family. If your daughter marries an unbeliever , then your grandchildren will possibly also become unbelievers (because they will follow in the footsteps of their father) , and Islam will be lost in the future generations. It is not easy for any parent to give away their daughter after raising them since birth. It is a painful and traumatic event. Children should therefore cherish and respect their parents :


Surah Luqman S31 V14 : And we have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents : in travail upon travail did his mother bear him.


If you have been neglectful of your parents , or thought that they are ‘old fashioned” , then the only time that you will truly appreciate their wisdom is when you have children of your own , and you spend sleepless nights in worry and in prayer :


Surah Furqan S25 V74 : …” Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous.”


A happy marriage therefore also requires the support of the family . Parents and parents –in-law should be treated with the utmost respect and regard for each other. This is a bond and unification of two families who have united together because of a boy and a girl. When the two families are closely bonded together , then the chances of success for the marriage are increased. If there are any problems , then the families can intervene in a friendly manner to solve the problems with kindness, understanding and respect.





The romantic ideal of fairy tales where the boy and girl meet , get married and  live happily ever after , is an illusion. This false romantic illusion is the cause of much unhappiness that couples are faced with. Happy marriages are possible . Happy marriages are everywhere, but they require hard work and effort from both the husband and the wife. It is never too late to make a fresh start . If your relationship goes through a difficult time or if the relationship is not what you expected it to be , remember that  dark  stormy clouds are always followed by sunshine. You have to take responsibility for your marriage and you have to make on-going efforts , patiently persevering  in improving your marriage , slowly but surely , step – by –step. In the same way that you have to maintain your car or your house , you have to keep maintaining and looking after your marriage. It is only through ongoing adjustments and changes and  ongoing improvements , that the ‘ideal’ marriage is reached. Furthermore , all marriages , no matter how solid , still have on-going little spats , arguments and  irritations . These are simply irritating “mosquitoes” of marriage . They are part of life and have to be accepted. These little mosquitoes of marriage are the daily irritations over minor matters and they do not affect the harmony of a marriage that has matured with time and has crystallized into a solid rock that can withstand the vicissitudes of life. Rock-solid marriages develop with the realization that you cannot change others – you have to change yourself. Once you start to change yourself , then you have overcome the greatest obstacle to a happy and successful relationship . Furthermore , you should strive to attain happiness and you should strive to change emotions  which are a hindrance to a happy marriage. Even if you do not succeed , but as long as you sincerely try in your efforts , you will be rewarded, Insha-Allah :


Surah Ahzab S33 V5 :….(what counts is ) the intention of your hearts : and Allah is Oft-returning , Most Merciful


A happy and contented marriage is the responsibility we owe to our children. No child wants to be brought up in a broken home . A child looks to his parents as role models . Furthermore it is the  responsibility of parents to raise their children  in the Path of Islam and to guide them :


Sahih Bukhari  Hadith 9.252  Narrated by Abdullah bin Umar (RA)

Allah’s Apostle (SAW) said :” .. a man is the guardian of his family (household) and is responsible for his subjects ; a woman is the guardian of her husband’s home and of his children and is responsible for them…”


May Allah (SWT) Guide us and our children to the Straight Path. May Allah (SWT) , Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Oft- Forgiving , forgive us our sins and our shortcomings . May Allah (SWT) , Guide our children to righteous partners that are inclined to the Path of  Islam and who will  bring joy , contentment and love in their life. May our children be Blessed with healthy offspring , also inclined to the Path of Islam. May our children’s lives be filled with happiness , peace and contentment and may Allah (SWT) not place on them any burden greater than they can bear. May our children be immune to the temptations of this world and may they find solace in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). May Allah (SWT) Shower His Choicest Blessings on the Holy Prophet Mohamed (SAW).  May we learn from the glorious example of the Holy Prophet Mohamed (SAW) how to live in peace , harmony , love and kindness with our partners and our  fellow humans. The Holy Prophet Mohamed (SAW)  displayed  a superb mastery of human behaviour and interpersonal skills which no other leader , past , present or future , can ever match. May we succeed in our endeavours to have successful relationships and marriages and may our endeavours  bear the fruits of true and everlasting love :


Al-Tirmidhi            Hadith 3093             Narrated by Abdullah ibn Abbas (RA)

Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, “ You have seen nothing like marriage for increasing the love of two people.”




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